I Love You

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The next morning, I wake up, and I don't feel Elijah next to me. I get out of bed and put on a sweater of his with a sports legging of my own. I get downstairs and see Klaus sitting on the couch. "Good morning Klaus!" I say, while happily smiling at him. "Good morning to you too!" he says, and he smiles back at me. "Did you have a good sleep?" he asks, and he winks at me. I laugh. "A great sleep!" I say while laughing. He also laughs and I walk to the kitchen. I see Elijah baking pancakes with Emilia. "Hey mommy!" she says. "Goodmorning honey!" I say. I walk towards them and give Elijah a kiss. "Did you get her ready?" I ask. "Yes, you were asleep so I thought, why wake you up" he says. I smile at him. "We're making red velvet chocolate chip pancakes mommy!" she says. "Ah, my favorite!" I say, and I give her a kiss on her cheek. "I'll let you two have some time together" I say, and I walk to the living room. I sit down on the couch, next to Klaus. "I'm happy he's back." he says. "Me too!" I say. There has been some tension between Klaus and me in the past couple of years. I think we both felt that. Now that Elijah is back, I can only think of him. I hope that it doesn't make him feel any less. "I have to go" says Klaus, and he stands up. "Where are you going?" I ask. "Um, I'm meeting someone for breakfast" he says. I smile at him. "Is this someone a girl?" I ask. He smiles. "Maybe" he says, and he winks at me and walks away. I laugh about it, and set the table. Elijah, Emilia and I have breakfast. I enjoy every minute that I spend with them. "What do you want to do today Emmi?" I ask. "Um, I want to watch a movie with you and daddy and I want to get a milkshake with you and daddy!" she says. We all laugh. "Well then, let's do that!" I say. We all agree, and get ready to go outside. We take some old bread, ND walk outside. Elijah grabs my hand as we walk. After a while of being outside, we get back home. I make some hot chocolate and we let Emilia choose a movie. I snuggle up with Elijah and Emilia snuggles up with me. After a while, Klaus walks in. "Hello guys!" he says. "Hey Klaus!" I say. He walks up to us and kisses me on my cheek. That became kind of a thing. Elijsh looks at me. "Hello Niklaus" he says. Klaus smiles and gets to the kitchen. "What was that?" asks Elijah. "What?" I say. "Well, he kissed you" he says. "Right. Sorry, our friendship really grew in the past few years" I say. "That's good. Did you two hook up once?" he asks. "No! Just friends" I say. I'm thinking about the past few years with Klaus. There was definitely some kind of tension between us. After those moments, we got even closer. We started the kiss on the cheek thing and we haven't stopped it ever since. "Alright. Are you sure there are no feelings?" he asks. "I'm sure Elijah." I say. "Okay" he says, and he stands up and walks to the kitchen. I use my vamp hearing to listen to them. "Niklaus" says Elijah. "Yes, brother?" says Klaus. "I'm just going straight to the point, do you like Juliana?" he asks. "What?" says Klaus. "Do you have any feelings for my girlfriend, Niklaus?" he asks, again. "I..." says Klaus. I can hear Elijah sigh. "I don't. No." says Klaus. "What took you so long to answer? You two seem really close." he says. "Yes, we are but that's just like friends." says Klaus. "I see. My apologies" he says. "Actually, I met someone..." says Klaus. I vamp to the kitchen. "So it actually was a girl you were meeting?" I say. "We're you eavesdropping on us?" says Elijah. "Maybe. Anyway, this is great! Why don't you invite her over for dinner?" I ask, and I wrap my arm around Elijah's. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe some other time" says Klaus. "Alright! What is her name? What is she like?" I ask. "Her name is Camille. She has blonde hair and beautiful eyes. She's nice and she likes art" he says. "That's great, Niklaus" says Elijah. Klaus smiles and walks to the living room. "Are you seriously not trusting me right now?" I say to Elijah. "I trust you, I-" he says, but I interrupt him. "No, you don't. I told you that there were no feelings and you still went to ask him, Elijah." I say. "Yes, but-" he says. "Why don't you trust me? I've literally been loyal to a dead man for five and a half years Elijah!" I say. He sighs, and looks at me. He grabs my hands and says "Juliana, listen to me.". I look at him and nod my head. "I trust you, and I love you. Is it crazy of me to be afraid that my brother will love you too? Is it crazy of me to want you to myself? A 1000 years ago, my brother fell for a girl I was with. She chose him, and that's why I asked him. So don't say that I don't trust you when I tell you that I do, Juliana." he says, and he walks away from me. I walk towards him. "Elijah wait" I say. He turns around. "Do you understand me?" he asks. "I do, and I'm sorry..." I say. He looks at me, and turns around. "What's wrong mommy?" says Emilia. "Nothing, baby." I say, and I walk after Elijah. He goes upstairs to his room.

"Elijah I'm sorry!" I say. "It's okay. My apologies" he says, and he takes off his blazer and tie. "Are you taking a shower?" I ask. "Yes, I will be downstairs soon." he says "Can't I join you?" I ask, and I get close to him and kiss his neck. He softly laughs, and holds my hips. I stop kissing and wrap my arms around him. "Let's go take that shower, shall we?" I say, and I kiss him. He kisses me back and ripps off my shirt. I ripp off his, and kiss him again. I take off all his clothes and he does the same to me. We get into the shower and keep kissing. He lifts me up, and starts kissing my neck. One thing leads to another and after, we get dressed again. "That was a very nice shower!" I say, and we both laugh. Suddenly, Klaus walks in with a girl. She has blonde hair and amazing green eyes. I'm wearing nothing but a sports legging and a bra, while Elijah is only wearing pants. "Klaus!" I say, and I grab a towel and hold it on front of my upper body. "I'm sorry! I was just showing her the house. Camille, meet my brother Elijah and his girlfriend Juliana" he says. "It's nice to meet you, Camille" I say, and she smiles at us. "Likewise!" she says. Klaus takes her downstairs, and I look at Elijah. "That was awkward" I say. "It was" he says, and we laugh. We get downstairs and I see Rebekah playing with Emilia. "How did you make up her name?" asks Elijah. "I wanted her to be kind of named after you. I thought Emilia was a bit like Elijah, but female. I hope you don't mind" I say. "No, it's beautiful" he says, and he gives me a kiss.
After a while, we all have dinner together, with Camille. Klaus decided to invite her for dinner after all. We had a nice dinner and got to know Camille a little bit better. Klaus and her seem really happy!
After dinner, we get to the desert. Rebekah made some red velvet cake and hands over a piece to everyone. I take a bite, and feel something hard in it. I get it out of my mouth and wipe it with a tissue. I look at it, it's a ring. Rebekah looks at me, and then looks at Elijah. I look at Elijah and he looks at me. "What...?" I say. "Juliana Salvatore, I love you with all my heart. Always and Forever" he says. I look at him with tears in my eyes. "Always and forever" I say. "So I've been wanting to ask you something" he says. I nod my head. "I asked your brother, Stefan. He told me that he agrees. So, Juliana, will you marry me?" he asks. I look at him. Tears roll down my face and I nod my head. "Yes, yes!" I say, and I kiss him. He kisses me back and holds me tight.

All of us have a drink together while Emilia is asleep. "I love you" I say to Elijah. He smiles at me. "I love you too" he says, and we kiss.

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