I Remember

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We arrive at the mansion and walk inside. I don't see Elijah anywhere. "Juliana, where have you been?" asks Rebekah. I smile. "I remember" I say. They all look at me, and walk up to me to hug me. "I'm so sorry that I didn't remember, but I do now! Where is Elijah?" I say. "It's okay, he's upstairs, taking a shower" says Kol. I smile at them and walk up the stairs. I use my vamp hearing to find out where Elijah is showering. I walk to his room, into the bathroom. I get undressed and tie up my hair. I walk into the shower. Elijah is standing in the shower, washing his hair with his face towards the shower I softly place my hand on his shoulder, and he looks back and turns around. "Jul-" he says, but I interrupt him. "Don't" I say, and I kiss him. He kisses me back. He stops, and looks at me. "What are you doing..." he says. I smile at him. "I don't want to do this unless you remember, I don't want to-" he says, but I interrupt him again. "Stop it, Elijah. I remember. I went to the border and I remember everything" I say. "What...?" he says, and he tears up. "I remember Elijah. I do" I say, and I kiss him again. I put my arms around his neck and one hand on the back of his head, like I used to do. "I'm glad you do" he says, and he smiles at me. I smile back at him. "Me too" I say. I think about what Klaus and I talked about in the car, that I might be pregnant. It scares me, actually. I let Elijah go. "I have to go" I say, and I turn around. "Are you alright?" he asks. I turn back to him. "Just a quick question, you're dead, right?" I ask. He looks at me. "I'm a vampire, if that's what you mean." he says. "Yes, yes that's what I mean. That means that you can't have children, right?" I ask. He keeps looking at me. "Why do you ask...?" he says. "...No reason." I say, and I get out of the shower. He turns the shower off, and also gets out. He wraps a towel around himself and walks after me. "Wait, tell me. Why do you ask?" he says. I put on a bathrobe and turn around. "I don't know, Elijah. I just wanted to know okay?" I say, and I walk away. I walk to my room and get dressed. I can't be pregnant, because Elijah can't have children and I haven't slept with anyone else. I can have children, because I am also a werewolf. It's a long story, but I just can.

I walk downstairs, and see Klaus. "Juliana, come with me" he says, and he takes me to the kitchen. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I talked to Freya, about you and my brother. I asked her if you could be pregnant, because he's a vampire. I didn't think it could but, I was wrong." he says. "What?!" I say. "It's rare, but it can happen. The last time it happened was in 1850 or something. I can let Freya check it, if you want" he says. I look at him and tear up. "Yeah, yes let's do that" I say, and I walk towards Freya. "Can you come with me for a second?" I ask, with tears in my eyes. "Yes, ofcourse honey" she says, and she walks with me to the kitchen. "Could you check, please?" I ask. She looks at me and softly smiles. "Yes" she says, and she places her hands on my stomach. She closes her eyes. After a while, she opens them and removes her hands. She nods her head. "No... No!" I say. I'm freaking out. "Calm down Juliana, it'll be alright" says Klaus. "No, it won't be alright Klaus! Tell my how this could ever be alright!" I say. They both look at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?!" I say. I'm almost having a panic attack. "Listen, you will be okay. We'll be here for you, all the time. I promise." says Klaus. "Thank you, but I can't do this" I say. "Yes you can, we can. We will all help you, let's go tell Elijah and-" he says, but I interrupt him. "NO! No one is telling him! Don't tell him, Klaus, you can't tell him! I can't tell him! I won't!!" I say, and I'm totally panicking. "We have to, love." says Klaus, and he grabs my hand. I let go of his hand fast and take a step back. "No, Klaus! What if he doesn't want it? What do I do, if he doesn't like it? What do I do now Klaus, tell me! How do I tell a more than 1000 year old vampire that I'm pregnant with his baby?!" I say. Tears fall down my face. "I can't... I can't do it..." I say, and I walk away from him. I walk into the living room, towards the front door. Elijah is coming down the stairs and he sees me panicking and crying. "What's wrong?" he asks. I don't respond and I keep walking. He grabs my arm and pulls me back. He looks into my eyes. "LET ME GO!" I say, and I pull my arm back. I walk out the door, and walk away from the mansion.

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