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"We can't let you do that" says Klaus. "Why not?" I ask. "You could die" says Elijah. I look at his beautiful handsome face. He's dreamy. "Yes, I could. But I don't have to. I really want to try this for you" I say. "No, I don't want you to do that." says Elijah. "But I-" I say, but Klaus interrupts me. "No, Juliana. You're not doing it. I'm not going to stay here while you might die for us" he says. "I really want to do this. Please just let me do this..." I say. Klaus walks towards me. "No" he says, and he walks out the door. I walk off the rest of the stairs and walk towards the door to go after Klaus. Elijah grabs my arm and pulls me back. I look into his eyes, and get a flashback. I see pictures of me and him, smiling, crying, fighting and laughing. It's too much, and I fall down. I totally black out.

I wake up on the couch, with Elijah sitting next to me with his hands in his hair. I open my eyes and look at him. He looks back at me and softly smiles. "You're awake, how are you feeling" he asks. "I feel happy, actually" I answer. "Happy? How come?" he asks. "I had some flashbacks when you touched me and I looked in your eyes. I saw us smiling, crying, fighting and laughing. It kind of made me happy." I say. He smiles at me. "That's great" he says. "It is. Did we date or something? I'm sorry that I don't remember" I say. "It's okay. No, we didn't date." he says. "Ah, okay. Sorry. They told me that I helped you, when you came back from the prison world. How exactly did I do that?" I ask. "Well, Freya and you brought me back. I started to have moments. I fell away in those moments, kind of back into the prison world. I couldn't hear or see anything else on those moment, except for you. You helped me get through it. We took a walk down Bourbon Street in New Orleans together and told each other about ourselves. You told me that your humanity was off, and I judged you for it. We got into a fight and you left." he says. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone" I say. "It's okay. I shouldn't have judged you." he says. "So, what happened next?" I ask. "I really hurt you, so we didn't see each other for months. I started to have moments a lot more again and one time, Niklaus called you. You helped me trough the phone. When you hung up, I realized that I couldn't do this anymore, so I turned it off. I went to your house and tried to kill your brothers because of a thing that happened in the past. I accidentally stabbed you instead of your brother Damon, and then your brother Stefan killed me. You layed me down on your couch and waited for me to come back to life the whole time. After a while, I realised that I wanted to turn it on again, for you and my family, so I did. We went out with your friends and got back at your home. It was late and I wanted to stay in a hotel for the night before returning to Mystic Falls. You insisted on coming with me, because you didn't want me to be alone. Klaus was looking for me, he wanted to kill me because I was dangerous without my humanity. He came to us in the hotel and you talked him out of it. It works, so you saved me again. The next day we walked out of the hotel, and your brother Damon came to us outside. He tried to kill me and he let some witch erase your memories, after you told me to go away. I went home and I was miserable, all the time." he says."That's... I... I'm so sorry" I say. He softly smiles at me. I softly smile back and grab his hand. "I'm truly sorry, Elijah" I say. "It's okay, don't be sorry" he says. Suddenly, I start to feel really sick. I stand up and run to the bathroom. I throw up again. Elijah comes to me and holds my hair. "I don't want you to see me like this..." I say. "It's okay. Are you alright?" he asks. I stand up. "I'm fine, thanks. This happens a lot lately." I say, and I drink some water. "It's not like I'm pregnant or anything, I haven't slept with anyone since Kai, my ex" I say. He looks at me. "Right, yes." he says. We walk back to the living room, and get ready to go.

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