6 Years

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It's six years later. Klaus and I have bonded, we really are best friends. He's helped me with Emilia a lot in the past six years, and she grew to a beautiful girl. She recently discovered that she's a witch, and she's been doing fun things with her aunty Freya. I still miss Elijah. She looks so much like him. She has dark brown hair, and brown eyes, his eyes.
Rebekah and I have bonded too. We went to Hollywood together, that was amazing! Freya and I have done some magic together, to practice.
Today, Emilia and I are going to bake some cookies. We walk to the kitchen and walk into Klaus. "Oh sorry, hey. We're just about to bake cookies, do you want to join us?" I ask. "Yes, come with us uncle Klaus!" says Emilia. He laughs. "Sure, ladies." he says, and he walks with us to the kitchen. There is a black-and-white picture of Elijah hanging in the kitchen (the picture above), but Emilia never asked about it. We get all of the ingredients ready, we're baking red velvet cookies. Elijah and I always talked about a red velvet cake if we ever got married. It is our favorite flavor.
We get started and laugh a lot. It's fun to do this with him and her together, my two favorite people around. When we're done, we put them in the oven. "Good job guys!" I say. "Yes! This was so much fun, I want to do more!" says Emilia. We all laugh. "It sure was fun!" says Klaus, and he picks her up. "Mommy? Who is that?" asks Emilia, while pointing at the picture of Elijah on the wall. I smile, and feel a little pain inside. "That's your daddy!" I say, while holding back my tears. "Oh, how come I don't know him?" she asks. It's getting harder for me to hold back my tears. "Um..." I say. "He's not not with us anymore, love." says Klaus. I smile at him. "How come?" she asks. "He went to the heaven, you know what that is?" he says. "No?" she says. He smiles at her. "That's a place where people go after life. A good place!" he says. A tear falls out of my eye, but I wipe it away immediately. He places his hand on my back. "Oh! That's good! I'm glad he's in a good place!" she says. "Yes, so are we. Now, go play with aunty Freya, okay?" he says, and he puts her down. She walks towards Freya in the living room, and Klaus and I stay in the kitchen. "Thank you, Klaus. It means a lot" I say. He smiles at me. "It's okay, love. Anytime" he says, and he gives me a hug. I hug him back, tightly and whisper "I miss him..." in his ear. "I know, I do too. But you did it without him, you can do a bit longer" he says. I smile. "Yes, we can" I say, and I kiss him on the cheek. He smiles back at me, and let's me go.

The doorbell rings, and I walk to the door. I open it, and Bonnie and Caroline are here. "Hey girls!" I say, and I hug them both. They come in, and Klaus comes towards us. "Hello girls, how are you?" he asks, and he wraps his arm around me. "We're great, thanks! So where's my little baby girl?" says Bonnie. "Over there with Freya" I say, and she goes over there. They love Emilia, and Emilia loves them. "So... Did I miss something?" says Caroline. "Miss what?" I ask. "Is something going on between you two?" she asks. "Us? No! Just best friends" I say, and Klaus smiles. "Sure... I'm going over there!" she says, and she walks towards them. We go there too, and sit down on the couch. Bonnie sits down next to me. "Julie, can I talk to you in the kitchen?" she asks. I look at her. "Sure!" I say, and we walk to the kitchen.
"Is something wrong?" I ask. She looks at me. "Kind of... A friend of ours died, Alaric. We want to bring him back, but there is a massive spell that I need to do for it. I was wondering, maybe you can help me?" she asks. "A spell? Um, sure! Was Alaric a vampire or something else?" I ask. "Yes, a vampire. That brings me to my next topic, Elijah died as a vampire. That means that they are in the same afterlife, which would mean that we can bring both of them back, I think" she says. I look at her with tears in my eyes. "Are you serious...?" I ask. She nods her head and hugs me tight. I hug her back and a tear rolls down my face. "Don't get your hopes up girl, it might not work" she says. "I know, I just miss him a lot. Emilia asked about him today, so it's been a lot already. But yes, I want to help you. When do you want to do this?" I say. "What about tomorrow night? You can come at 7pm and we'll practice a bit" she says. "Yeah, that's okay" I say, and we smile at each other. We walk back into the living room, and sit down again. We all have dinner together and after that they go home.
I let them out and return to the living room. "Klaus, can you watch Emilia tomorrow?" I ask. "Ofcourse, why?" he asks. "I'm going to Mystic Falls tomorrow. A friend of Bonnie and Caroline died, and we're going to try to bring him back. He died as a vampire so..." I say. "So...?" he says. "That means that he is in the same afterlife... We could bring ikah back too, if it works" I say. Klaus tears up. "That's... Amazing!" he says, and he hugs me.
I get Emilia to bed, and we all go to sleep soon after that.

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