The Mystic Grill

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I walk back inside and get my jacket. "Where are you going?" says Stefan. "Just meeting someone at the Mystic grill or something." I say. "Who is this someone? Do we know this someone?" he asks. "Y.... No you don't. It's a friend of mine that I met back in New Orleans" I say. I can't say that I'm meeting Kai, he told me that Damon hates him. "Fine, but be home in time for diner okay?" he says. "Sure" I say, and I walk out the door.
As I walk towards the Mystic grill, I start to feel a little bit nervous. I walk into the bar and see Kai sitting by a table for two. I walk towards him. "Hey" I say. "Hey! You came!" he says. "Well of course I came" I say. He smiles. "So, what do you want to drink?" he asks. "I'll have a red wine please" I say. "Classy, I like it" he says, and he smiles. "So, Juliana, you're a hybrid?" he asks. "First of all, you can call me Julie. Second, no. I'm a Tribird actually. A werewolf, vampire and witch." I answer. "Wow, that's amazing" he says.

We have a good laugh and talk about the prison worlds. He got out of his prison world a couple of weeks before me. It's great, talking to him about the prison worlds. He's the only one who understands it all. I start to care about him, but I can't do that. I turned my humanity off and I don't want to turn it back on again. We talk and we talk, all day long. It's 8pm and we're still here. "Juliana I told you to-" I hear coming from behind me. I turn around and it's Stefan. "Kai..." he says. I stand up and walk towards Stefan. "Please don't be mad at me, he's nice to me and we were just talking about-" I say, but he Interrupts me. "Go home, now. You will never speak to him again" he says. "Excuse me? I'm not going anywhere before you tell me what the hell is going on between you all" I say. Stefan walks towards Kai, he's angry. Kai takes a few steps back, but u get in front of him. Stefan looks at me. "It's the last time I'm going to ask you nicely, go home Julie" he says. "I'm not going home" I say, and I keep standing on front of Kai. "Juliana, just go" says Kai. I turn around. "What?" I say. He nods his head. "I'm not going home!" I say, and I snap Stefan's neck with magic. He falls down and I look at Kai. "Why would you send me home!" I say. "I was going to explain to him that I like talking to you, I'm sorry" he says. I keep looking at him. "This was a mistake..." I say, and I walk out of the bar.
Kai walks towards me with Stefan. "Julie wait, it's okay, I get it. I'm sorry for getting so mad at you" says Stefan. I turn around. "Sure, alright" I say. "Julie, I really like talking to you. You're the only one who gets me, you're the only one here that I can talk to about everything that happened." says Kai. I look at him and see that he's getting emotional. "It's okay, I'm sorry for walking away from you Kai, and I'm sorry for snapping your neck Stefan" I say. We all laugh.

After I said goodbye to Kai, Stefan and I walk home. He tells me what happened between him, Damon and Kai. Kai killed his sister on her wedding day a couple of weeks ago, and the groom was their friend names Alaric. What's why Damon hates Kai. But Kai had changed. He gets me and I get him. I like talking to him, and I hope that I get to do that more often.

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