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After a while, we walked back to the Mikaelson mansion. We told everyone about the pregnancy and I told Klaus and Freya that Elijah knows about it. We celebrate all together.
A few months later, the doorbell rings. I open the door. A mail man gives me three letters. "Thank you!" I say, and I close the door. One says Klaus Mikaelson, one says Elijah Mikaelson and one says Juliana Salvatore. "Klaus, Elijah, you've got mail!" I say. They walk towards me and I hand over the letters. Elijah and Klaus have a white one, I have a pink one. There is a stamp on the back of the envelope that says "S". We open it. It's an invitation to the June wedding of Stefan and Caroline. Mine has 2 cards in it. One invitation, and one light pink one. I read the invention first, and then the other one. It says:

"Juliana Salvatore,

You're one of my best friends, and I can't miss you on my wedding! I have a question for you.
Do you want to be my bridesmaid?

Love, Caroline."

I smile, typical Caroline! Of course I want to be her bridesmaid! "Your brother is getting married, wonderful!" says Klaus. "Yes, a beautiful June wedding" says Elijah, and he looks at me. I look back at him and I smile. "You're looking at her bridesmaid right now!" I say, while smiling. "That's amazing!" says Klaus, and he hugs me. "Right? I love this so much!" I say. We all smile. Elijah and I haven't really been talking about how we feel towards each other. We don't really hang out together anymore too, so we only talk during breakfast or dinner. It's like we're a little bit awkward about this situation we're in. We said I love you to each other a few months ago, but that's it. I'm six months pregnant now, so I really have a baby belly growing! I haven't seen Stefan or Damon ever since I got here. I talked to them through the phone, but I haven't told them about the baby yet. I alsk haven't told Bonnie and Caroline yet, that's a shame.
I walk to the kitchen and call Caroline, to tell her that I want to be her bridesmaid.
"Hey Julie!" she says. "Hey Care! I just got your wedding invitation, and I'd love to be your bridesmaid!" I say. "Ahh! That's great Julie! I love you!" she says. Elijah walks over to me. "I love you too! I'll see you there!" I say, and I hang up. I smile, I'm happy for them. "Who were you talking to?" asks Elijah. "Oh, nothing important" I say, and I walk away. He grabs my arm and pulls me back. "Was it a boy? Do you have a boyfriend? Not that that's a bad thing but-" he says, but I interrupt him. "It was Caroline, I don't have a boyfriend and don't worry about me, okay?" I say. He looks at me and let's me go. "Ofcourse, my apologies" he says, and he walks away. "Wait" I say. He turns around and looks at me. "Do you? Are you with someone? You and that girl Hayley are pretty close right?" I ask. "No, I don't" he says. "Okay, cool" I say. It's so awkward. I don't know what happened between us. We used to be close, I even have his baby cooking in my belly, and now we act like strangers. He walks away from me.
I walk to the living room, and the doorbell rings. I open the door, and see Hayley standing there. "Hi Hayley" I say. "Hello Juliana" she says, and she walks past me, straight to Elijah. She wraps her arms around him and gives him a kiss on his cheek. I haven't seen that girl for months. She's pregnant with Klaus' baby. They hooked up once and now she's knocked up. She had a boyfriend, but I always thought that she liked Elijah. She turns to me. "Are you pregnant?" she asks. "Ofcourse I am, Hayley" I say. She comes closer to me. "Fine. Who's the father?" she asks. I look at Elijah, and then back at her. "I don't know" I say, and I walk away from her.
She must be a nice girl, but she likes Elijah a little too much for me to handle. It's not like Elijah and I are dating, but it's also not like I want to see him with someone else than me. That might be selfish, but that's how I feel about him. I never stopped loving him, even though we don't talk anymore. It's hard for me to see this Hayley girl being close with him. Elijah and I never talked about us, we never started anything but we also didn't close anything. That's my it's hard for me.

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