A Favor

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Kol and I sit down at a table. "So, you're a Tribird. You are a powerful witch right?" he asks. "I am" I answer. He smiles. "That's great. I kind of need a favor from you" he says. I look at him. "What kind of favor" I ask him. He looks away, and then back at me.

"So, I have a quite big family. Three brothers and two sisters to be exact. One of them died, and we want to bring him back from the dead. I k ow that your very powerful, and this is a big and heavy spell. My sister is also a witch, so if you could do this together with her then..." he says. "Back from the dead? I don't know, I've never done that before" I say. "That's okay, my sister can help you with that. So, are you in?" he asks. "I don't know yet, what's in it for me?" I ask. "Um... Well you can stay at our place?" he answers. I smile, "that would be great" I say. "Thank you. Come with me, I'll let you meet the others and get you a room" he says, and he stands up.
I walk with him to a very big mansion. He walks inside and invites me in. I get inside and walk towards him. "This place is huge" I say. He laughs. "Yes, well we are with a lot of people so it kind of has to be" he says. A blonde girl walks over to me. "Who are you?" she asks. "That's Juliana Salvatore, sis!" says Kol, and I look at the girl. "Juliana Salvatore, the one and only. I'm Rebekah, nice to meet you" she says, and she shakes my hand. I smile at her and look around. Anither girl walks towards me and shakes my hand. "I'm Freya, nice to meet you Juliana. I'm a witch too" she says. "Ah, you're the one I'm going to do the spell with?" I ask. She looks at me. "What spell?" she says. "She going to help us bring him back Freya" says Kol. "Really? That's amazing, thank you so much Juliana! It's a hard and heavy spell, I can't do it on my own." says Freya. "It's okay, Kol told me that I can stay here for a while" I say. "Of course you can! Come with me, I'll show you your room" says Rebekah, and I walk with her upstairs. She walks to a room with a bed, a table with a chair, a piano and a bathroom in it. "Wow, thank you" I say, and I put my shopping bags on the bed. "No problem, if there is anything you need, just tell us" she says. We walk downstairs and sit at the table.
I hear someone walking down the stairs. I look behind me and I see a man. He's tall and has blonde curly hair. He walks towards me and grabs my hand. He kisses it and says; "I'm Klaus, nice to meet you love". I look at him and smile. He's cute! I wonder what the dead brother looks like. "Nice to meet you, Klaus" I say, and he smiles back at me. He sits down at the table and we all talk about the spell.

"So, we do the spell together and your brother comes back to life?" I ask. "Yes! We do the spell tomorrow so get some rest, your going to need it" says Freya. "I will. Thank you all for letting me stay here." I say. "No problem love. So tell me, your a Tribird right!" says Klaus. "Yes, I am. How about you guys?" I ask. "Vampires. Well, I am a hybrid, but we are all vampires." he answers. "Original vampires to be exact." says Kol. I look at him. "Original? As in the Mikaelson family?" I ask. "Yes, exactly" says Rebekah. "Alright, so you're a Hybrid Klaus?" I ask. "I am." he answers smiling. I smile back at him. We do a little bit of talking around the table, until it's 1 am. "Gosh, it's late guys. Let's get some rest and see each other tomorrow okay?" says Freya, and we all say goodnight and go to sleep. I walk to my room and get out of my clothes. I put on my new pyjama and get in the bed. It's a soft and comfy bed. I text Damon that I'm bot going to be home for a while, and go straight to sleep.
The next morning, I wake up at 9am. I get out of bed, take a shower and put on soek clothes. I'm wearing a white blouse with a black leather jacket over it and a blue ripped jeans with black heels. I do my hair and make-up and get downstairs.
After breakfast, Freya leads me to a room with a window on the ceiling. Klaus comes in with a coffin and pushes it to the center of the room. Freya makes a cirkle out of salt, and we step out. "You ready?" she asks. "I'm ready" I answer, and we start the spell.

After a while, our nose started bleeding. It's a very heavy spell and that happened when you do one. We hear the coffin opening and we stop saying the words of the spell. We all look at the coffin, is he getting out?

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