It Worked

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Suddenly, the brother sits up. He's catching his breath and looking around like he's lost. I can barely see him because of the darkness, but for what I see, he looks scared. Klaus walks towards him and holds his head. "It worked, your back" he says, and he hugs his brother. I can hear that Klaus is getting emotional as he hugs his brother for the first time since he died. Freya rushes over to him and looks at him. She also hugs the brother and they help him out of the coffin.
I slowly walk towards them, and I start to see him, but he looks at the ground. "Juliana, I don't know how to thank you" says Klaus, and he hmgives me a hug. "It's no problem, I'm glad that you're all together now" I say, and I walk away. I'll let them be together for a moment. I walk to the living room, and Kol and Rebekah stand up. They look at me, wondering if it worked. "It worked, he's out" I say. Rebekah starts happy crying and hugs me. The she walks to the room where the brother is right now, and so does Kol.
I get to the kitchen and grab some water. I drink it and get to my room. I get my stuff and walk downstairs again. "Where are you going?" asks Freya. "Oh, I'll go back to Mystic Falls. I'll let you all be together now" I say smiling, and I walk to the door. "Wait! You can stay if you'd like!" she says. "Thank you, but I don't want to be in the way so-" I say, but I get interrupted by Rebekah. "Oh but you're not in the way love! You can stay here for as long as you'd like, it's not a problem. We also like a new person on the house!" she says. We all laugh. "Alright then, if you're sure about it" I say, and they both nod their heads. I go upstairs to drop off my stuff again, but I run into someone. "I'm sorry!" I say. He looks at me, now I see the brother's face for the first time. He keeps looking at me. "Are you okay?" I asks, but he doesn't respond to me. I grab his shoulder, and it's like he wakes up. "I'm.... Sorry...." he says. "No! It's okay. Are you feeling okay?" I ask, and he looks at me again. I smile at him. "Yes" he says, and he walks away.
I look at him, he's very handsome. He's tall, with brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. I look away and walk to my room. I place my stuff back where it was, and I walk out of the door. "Juliana, have you seen my brother? He walked away from me when I was getting him some clothes" says Klaus. "Yeah I saw him. He went that way" I say, and I point to my left. "Thank you love" he says, and he walks that way. "Wait, Klaus, is he okay? Because I ran into him and he looked at me like he wasn't here, but when I grabbed his shoulder it was like he woke up" I say. "I don't know, he doesn't seem like himself at all." he says. "Oh, maybe something traumatized him while he was dead?" I ask. He nods his head. "I think so, yes. I'll go find him" he says, and he walks away. It's odd, what happened to him?

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