Let Me Explain

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After a while, I've calmed down a bit. I'm still crying, but I'm breathing normal now. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. "That must be your guy" he says, and he walks to the door. Klaus doesn't know that Elijah is going to open the door, so I'm afraid of his reaction. Elijah opens the door, and I can see Klaus turning around. He looks at Elijah, and tears up immediately. "I'm... I..." he says. "You're here because you were called? She's inside, come in" says Elijah. Klaus keeps looking at him, but then looks at me. He walks last Elijah, and comes to me. I stand up and he hugs me tight. "I'm so sorry..." I say, crying.
"Just be okay" he says, and he doesn't let me go yet. "I will be. I'm sorry" I say, and he lets me go. He looks into my eyes, and has tears in his eyes. Elijah is standing at the door, watching us. "I'm sorry to bother you, Elijah." I say. "You didn't. I hope you'll be okay" he says and he smiles. Klaus looks at him, and back at me. "Right, sorry. Klaus, this is Elijah. Elijah, this is Klaus." I say. "Nice to meet you, Klaus" he says. "Likewise" says Klaus, and they smile at each other. "We should go, thank you for taking care of me" I say. "No problem" he says, and he smiles. Klaus and I walk to the door. "Wait" says Elijah. "Can I call you, sometime? Just to make sure you're okay" he asks. I smile at him and give him a card with my mobile number, which has my address on it too. "Of course" I say, and I smile at him. He nods his head and smiles back. Klaus and I leave and get in the car. "Klaus, I am so sorry. I just couldn't do it..." I say. "I understand, Juliana. We'll do everything to get him back, I promise" he says. I smile at him and he smiles back at me. We drive home and get in the mansion.
Everyone is asleep, ofcourse. We both get in bed and get to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day.

The next day, Emilia wakes me up. "Mommy! Let's bake pancakes!" she says. I laugh. "Of course babygirl. Let's get you in the bathtub fist!" I say, and I get a warm bath ready for her. She comes into the bathroom and sits down in the bathtub. "Mommy, can I have bubbles?" she asks. I smile at her. "Yes, which one?" I ask. She points at the Rose scented one. I pour some int he bathtub, and the bubbles come. She loves having a bath. She plays with the bubbles and after a while, I get her out. I clean her and dress her up. She wears a cute little light purple dress today. We get downstairs to make some pancakes. I get the ingredients ready, and she sits down on a stool.
The doorbell rings. "I'll get it, I'll be right back sweetheart" I say, and I walk to the door. I open the door, and see Elijah standing in front of me. "Elijah" I say, surprised. "Hey, I called you a few hours ago but it turns out that your phone was at my place. Your address was on the card so I thought I could bring it back to you" he says. I smile. "That's so kind of you, thank you!" I say, and he smiles back at me. "Are you feeling any better?" he asks. "Yeah, totally! Thank you again for last night. I shouldn't have just stepped by anyway" I say. "It's not a problem" he says, and he walks away. "Wait!" I say, and he turns around and comes back. "Do you want to come in? We're baking pancakes!" I say. He smiles. "Sure, thank you!" he says, and he comes in. Rebekah walks down the stairs. "Hey Juliana, make sure that you bake enough pancakes for m-" she says, but then she sees Elijah. "Rebekah, this is Elijah. Elijah, this is Rebekah" I say. They both smile. "It's nice to meet you, Elijah" she says. "Likewise!" he says, and she walks away. Now Kol comes towards us. "What on earth is going on" he says. "Kol! Meet Elijah, and Elijah meet Kol" I say. "Nice to meet you" says Elijah. "L...likewise" says Kol, and he also walks away. "I'm sorry, they're not that social. I hope you're hungry! We didn't bake the pancakes yet but it won't take long I promise" I say, and I smile at him. "Great!" he says, and he smiles back at me. "Elijah, lovely to see you here" says Klaus, coming from the kitchen. "Hey" says Elijah. Klaus walks back into the kitchen. "Is he your boyfriend?" he asks. "No! I'm single, just like I told you" I say. "Great! I mean... Okay" he says, and I laugh. We both smile and I take him to the kitchen. "Mommy, can we add chocolate chips? And can we make it red velvet pancakes pleeaase?" says Emilia. I smile. "Sure honey. Elijah, meet our- I mean my daughter, Emilia. Emilia, this is Elijah." I say. "It's nice to meet you lady, and what a beautiful dress you're wearing" he says. "Thank you sir! You have a nice shirt! Do you like red velvet pancakes?" she asks. He smiles. "They're my favorite! How did you know?" he says. She smiles. "They're my favorite too! And mommy's too!" she says. Elijah smiles at her. This is the first time they meet each other, and he doesn't even know that she's his daughter. We all bake pancakes together, and when they're ready, I put them on the plates. Emilia is in the living room, playing with Klaus. Elijah is helping me in the kitchen, until he looks up to the wall. I look at him. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Um... Why am I on your wall?" he asks. "What?" I say, but then I look at the wall. It's his picture, ofcourse! "Oh crap... I can explain..." I say. He looks at me and Emilia walks in. She climbs in the kitchen and looks at Elijah. "Do you like the picture? It's my daddy! You look just like him, but he's in a better place called heaven now!" she says. "Emilia, go to your uncles" I say, and she goes. Elijah keeps looking at the picture. "Elijah I-" I say, but he interrupts me. "What's going on?" he says. "Let me explain..." I say. "Yes, please." he says and he looks at me.

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