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Elijah and I walk to our room. "It's nice!" I say, and I put my bag on one of the two beds. I secretly hoped that there was only one bed. "It is." he says, and he puts his bag on the other bed. "I'm going to take a shower real quick, okay?" I say. "Yes, go ahead" he says, and he sits down on his bed. I get some stuff out of my bad and walk to the bathroom. It doesn't have a door in it, it's just a small wall with a big opening in it. There is a walk-in shower. I get undressed and get in the shower. It's lovely, and I feel comfortable.
Klaus texted me before I got in the shower. It said that he will come and look for Elijah, so that he can kill him for what he's done. I didn't react to it. He can't do that! We have to go talk to him tomorrow, but I won't let Elijah go alone. I wash my hair and body, and stay in the shower a little longer. Suddenly, I hear the door opening, and someone vamping into the bathroom. I can hear someone's footsteps coming into our room. I remain silent, I'm getting scared now. The footsteps are getting closer and closer. All of a sudden, Elijah vamps into the shower and places his hand on my mouth. I look at him, shocked. He looks back at me, and he looks scared. I softly grab his hand, and remove it from my mouth. Silently, I do a spell that keeps anyone out of the bathroom. No one can get in.
I look back at Elijah. He's looking in my eyes and whispers "Niklaus..." into my ear. Shit, he found us.
"Come out come out wherever you are!" says Klaus, coming from the bedroom. Elijah and I stay silent in the shower. I place my hand in his neck, and get his head closer to mine. I whisper in his ear "Let's talk to him, together" and softly smile. He looks at me, and nods his head. I walk past him, and put on a bathrobe. I take his hand and take him to the entrance of the bathroom. "Ah! There you are!" says Klaus, and he tries to walk into the bathroom. "What did you do" he says, angry. "A spell, and it will last as long as I want it to." I say. He looks mad and tries again. "Klaus, let's talk about this" I say. "About what?" he asks. "About Elijah. Why do you want to kill him so bad? He mad a mistake, so be it. You make ton of mistakes and we don't want to kill you, do we?" I say. He looks at me. "Right. You're right. I'm sorry, Elijah. I shouldn't have" he says, and he doesn't look angry anymore. Elijah nods his head at him, and then looks at me. "Just leave him be okay?" I ask. "I will" says Klaus, and he looks at me. "Promise?" I say. "Promise." he says back. I smile at him and he smiles back. "I'm gonna go now, I'll see you both tomorrow?" he asks. "Oh I was actually staying in Mystic Falls" I say, and Elijah looks down. "Ah. Goodbye for now, have a good night" he says, and he walks away. I turn to Elijah and look at him. "Are you okay?" I ask. He nods his head. "Thank you for doing this for me." he says, and he smiles at me. I smile back at him. "Anytime" I say, and I go brush my teeth. Elijah sits down on his bed again. I put on a nice set of underwear, and realize that my pyjamas are still in my bag. I put on my bathrobe again and walk into the bedroom. I see Elijah, shirtless. He's getting another shirt as I walk in on him. "I'm sorry!" I say, and I walk back into the bathroom. I can hear him softly laugh from the bedroom. "Hey, don't laugh at me!" I say while laughing. "I'm done now" he says smiling. I walk back into the bedroom and see him wearing a comfortable shirt and pants. "You also look good in something else than a suit, you know?" I say smiling. He smiles back at me, and sits down on his bed.
I grab my pyjamas out of my bag and walk into the bathroom to change. I open up my bathrobe, and walk into the bathroom, and then there is Elijah again. He's brushing his teeth. "Oh my God, you're way to quiet!" I say, and I close my robe. He smiles. "I'm sorry, I'll tell you when I'm going somewhere from now" he says smiling. I smile back at him.
He looks so good right now. His hair is a little bit messy, and he's wearing comfy clothes instead of a suit. He also smells great and has some big muscles on his arms.

Without knowing, I'm staring at him. "Are you alright?" he asks. "I...Um...Yeah, sorry" I say, and I walk away from him. He grabs my hand and pulls me back to him. His face is close to mine, and we get closer. He grabs my cheek and kisses me. It feels so good and trustful. I kiss him back and place my hand on the back of his neck. He opens up my robe, and I take off his shirt. He lifts me up and takes me to his bed. He lays me down and gets on top of me. We keep kissing each other, but then he stops. "Are you okay with this?" he asks. "Very okay" I say, and I kiss him again. I take off his clothes and he takes off mine. It feels good, being with him. I feel comfortable and safe with him around.

The next morning, I wake up with Elijah next to me. I'm laying in his arms, and cuddle up with him. "Goodmorning Juliana" I hear him say, I can't stop smiling. "Goodmorning Elijah" I say. I can feel him smile, and he cuddles up with me too. "Did you have a good sleep?" he asks. "I did, yes, and you?" I ask. "Yes, thank you" he says. "My night before sleeping was way better by the way" I say smiling. He softly laughs and says "Is that right?". I laugh, and get out of bed. "We should probably keep going, you need to get home to your family" I say, as I put on my clothes. "Yes, probably." he says, and he also gets out of bed. He puts on a suit and does his hair. I do my hair and make-up and brush my teeth. Elijah brushes his teeth next to me. When we're done, we pack our bags. We check out and walk to the car. "So, this is it? This is goodbye?" I say, and I already tear up. "Not goodbye, but just for now" he says. I nod my head. "Why don't you come with me? We have enough room for you" he says. "I know, but I already left Stefan and Damon once..." I say. "I understand. I hope to see you again, if I may" he says, and he softly smiles at me. "Yes, I also hope so" I say, and I walk towards him.
"Juliana" I hear coming from behind me. I turn around and see Damon walking up to me.
"Damon? How did you-" I say, but he interrupts me. "I called Klaus to ask where you were. He told me that you were in a hotel, showering with this guy." he says. "I..." I say, but he gets angry. "He's a Mikaelson, an Original vampire Julie! He can't be trusted, don't you get that? He can compel you to do anything he wants you to!" says Damon. Elijah looks down. "Don't do this Damon" I say, and I grab Elijah's hand. "Stop it Julie, you're coming with me" says Damon, and he pulls me over to him. "Let me go!" I say, but he doesn't listen to me. "I have the white oak stake right here!" says Damon, and he looks at Elijah. Elijah takes a step back, and opens his car. "Damon don't do this!!" I say. He throws me away, and he walks up to Elijah. "DAMON STOP IT" I scream, and I blow Damon away from Elijah with my magic. I try to stand up, but Damon really hurt me. Damon stands up again, and slowly walks towards Elijah. I start crying. "ELIJAH GO!" I scream, and he looks at me. "But..." he says, and he tears up. "GO!" I scream. Elijah gets in his car and drives away. Damon vamps towards me, and helps me get up. I get up, and push him away. "DAMON WHY" I scream. "I hate you Damon! I was with Elijah because I feel safe with him! He makes me feel safe! Why can't you just let me be happy?!" I say, and I keep crying. Someone steps out of Damon's car. It's Kai's sister, Liv. She walks up to me and grabs my head. She starts doing a spell, but I black out.

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