Elijah Mikaelson

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I walk back to Elijah, he's standing on front of the couch. "Walk will me, will you?" I ask. He nods his head and comes with me. I take him outside, and sit down on a bench. He sits down next to me and looks at me. "So, about your humanity-" I say, but he interrupts me. "I turned it off, because I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't stop thinking about you, and how much I l-...care about you. I thought, maybe if I turn it off, I would feel better. It helped for a moment, but when I saw you today, it all came back to me. You helped me get trough those moments and I couldn't do it without you. You're the reason. I did it because of you, and that's not a bad thing" he says. "I'm so sorry for leaving you that day. I just couldn't get hurt anymore, but I didn't want to hurt you at all. I didn't think that you would care of I was gone, so I went, and I'm sorry." I say. He looks at me. "Don't be. I'm sorry about judging you, I just have a rough past with people without humanity. All those people were nothing like you, and k could've known if I just got to know you. I know that I hurt you, and I didn't mean to, I swear. I want to turn it on again, for you. I want to feel for you, care for you. That's what I want." he says. I tear up. "That's... I..." I say, I'm blushing! He's so sweet to me, and I start to feel something. "You don't have to do it for me, you know that right? If you don't want turn it on, I get it! Don't do this for me, do it for you, or you want to. You should only do it if it feels-" I say, but Elijah closes his eyes. "-right..." I finish. "Elijah?" I say.
He opens his eyes, and a tear falls out. He did it. He turned it on. "Did you..." I say. "I did it. Because I care for you, and I want to keep doing that" he says. I grab his hand, tear up and smile. He smiles back at me, and holds my hand tightly. "I don't want to interrupt, but are we still going to the Mystic grill?" says Caroline, coming from behind us. We look at her. "I'm not sure yet" I say. "Okay, just tell us when you know. Also, I thought that there was nothing romantic going on here?" she says. I smile at her, and Elijah smiles at me. "Get out of here Care!" I say smiling. She smiles back and walks inside.
"Im sorry about that" I say. He softly smiles at me and lets go of my hand. "It's okay. Go, have fun with your friends at this grill something" he says. I smile at him. "I want to stay with you actually, if you don't mind" I say. "I don't mind, but don't you want to go have fun with them?" he asks. "Sure, but... Hey, why don't you come with us? Caroline can bring Stefan and Bonnie can bring her boyfriend!" I say. "I... I don't know about that" he says. "Come on, it'll be fun! Who know how long it will be till we see each other again?" I ask. He smiles. "Alright then, but I want to ask you something after" he says. "Great! I'll go let them know" I say, and I smile at him. I stand up and look at him. He's so beautiful, kind, sweet and more!

I walk into the house, towards Caroline and Bonnie. "Hey, can I bring Elijah? Maybe you guys can bring Stefan and Enzo?" I ask. "Sure!" says Bonnie, and she calls Enzo. "Oh My God yes! Let's go on that triple date!" she says. "It's not a date!" I say. "Hm, well see about that." she says, and we all laugh.

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