The June Wedding

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Two months later, Klaus, Elijah and I get ready to go to the wedding. I have the dress in a bag and Klaus and Elijah are wearing beautiful suits.
"Ready to go?" I ask. "Yes, let's go love" says Klaus. Elijah smiles at me ant takes my hand. We walk to the car, Elijah's driving. Klaus is next to him and I'm in the back seat. I'm eight months pregnant now, it's like I'm going to explode! My family and friends still don't know about it, and I'm nervous about seeing them. We drive to the Salvatore house in Mystic Falls, the anti-magic border is gone thanks to Bonnie!
We arrive at the house, and get out of the car. Klaus walks to the door, and I hold Elijah back. "Should I tell them that you're the father...?" I ask. He smiles. "It's okay with me, is it okay with you?" he asks. "Yes, it is. Let's go!" I say, and he takes me to the door.
The door opens and Damon is standing there. "Hey guys, long time no see." he says. He invites us in, and we walk through the door. Damon pulls me back, and gives me a hug. "I missed you, Julie. Also, what is this?!" he says. I laugh. "It's a baby" I say. "Congratulations Julie! Who's the father?" he asks. I look at Elijah and smile. "No...way..." he says. "Yup!" I say, and I keep smiling. "You know that he's dangerous right?" he says. I roll my eyes and walk away from him. "Just know that!" he says. "I don't want to hear it Damon. Be nice or don't talk at all" I say. I walk over to Elijah and grab his hand, he's talking to Enzo. "Juliana! It's been so long!" says Enzo, and he gives me a hug. "Also, congratulations, I think?" he says. I laugh. "Thank you, Enzo!" I say. "Who's the father?" he asks. "It's who you think it is" I say. He smiles. "Great!" he says, and he shakes Elijah's hand. "I'm gonna go to Caroline and Bonnie, I'll see you guys later!" I say, and I give Elijah a kiss and walk away. I see Damon looking at us, so I wink at him.
I walk into the room where Caroline and Bonnie are. "Julie, you're here!" says Caroline, and she hugs me. Bonnie does the same. "Oh my God?!" says Caroline. I laugh. "Yeah, right?" I say, and we all laugh about it. "Congratulations Julie!" says Bonnie. "Thank you!" I say, and I smile. "I think I know who the father is. Am I right?" asks Caroline. "Yes, I think you are!" I say, and we all smile.
"Just to be sure, it's Elijah right?" says Bonnie. I nod my head and smile.
"So you know of it's going to be a boy or a girl?" asks Bonnie. "No, not yet, we didn't really have time for that." I say. "Well... Do you want to find out?" she asks. I look at Elijah in the other room. "Yes, please" I say. Bonnie places her hands on my belly and closes her eyes. She opens them, and looks at me. "It's a girl!" she says. I tear up and smile. "Thank you, Bonnie" I say, and they both hug me. I dry my tears. "Okay, let's put on the dress Care!" I say, and we help Caroline getting in the dress. She looks beautiful. "You look amazing!" says Bonnie. Bonnie and I get into our dresses and and do our hair and make-up. When we're done, we walk to the room where the wedding will be.
After the ceremony, a lot of people dance. I walk over to Elijah. "It was beautiful hm?" I say. He looks at me. "Yes, very beautiful" he says. "Elijah, do you want to know if it's a boy or a girl?" I ask. "...Yes!" he says. "Okay, what do you think it is?" I ask. He smiles. "I think it's a... Girl" he says. "Ah, you know what? You're right. It's a girl!" I say. I tear up again, and so does he. He kisses me, and I put my arms around him, with my hand on the back of his head.
After the party, we get home. I take a shower with Elijah and we get in bed.

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