Turing It Off

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The next day, I decided to stay in my room to think. After a few hours of arguing with myself about my humanity, I have made a decision. I'm going to turn it off, today. I take a shower, and get into some dark clothes. I curl my hair and sit down on my bed. I'm thinking it trough one last time, before I turn it off. I close my eyes, and turn my humanity switch off.
I open my eyes again, and I feel better. I get downstairs and drink some bloodbags. I put on my shoes and walk to the door. "Where are you going?" asks Damon. I slowly turn around, and look him in the eyes. "You didn't..." he says. "Yeah, I did! Bye brother, I'll see you later" I say, and I walk away.
I walk to my car, and drive for a while. As I keep driving, I see Kai walking into the bar. I park my car and walk in too. He sits down at the bar, so I'm going to sit down next to him. I walk to the stool and sit down on it. "Hello Kai" I say. He looks at me. "Julie... I was hoping to see you here! Listen to me please, I can explain" he says. I laugh about it and look him in the eyes. "I don't acre about what you have to say anymore" I answer. He is silent and looks at me. "Did you turn it off Julie?" he asks. I smile, "Yup! And that's on you" I say smiling. "I really didn't mean to hurt you Julie..." he says. "But you did, and I hate you for it" I say smiling. He does not look happy. I grab a fork, and stab it into his leg. "Watch out before you mess with me" I say into his ear, and I walk outside.
I get in my car, and drive away. I get a text from Katherine, saying this:


I'm sorry that I didn't come to visit you anymore, but I've been away. I will stay away from now, so you won't ever see me again.
Just know that I love you,


I smile. Same old Katherine! I didn't expect her to stay anyway, she always does this. But it's okay, I don't care anyway. I drive home and step inside the house. A guy with a stake stands in front of me. "What is this crap" I say. He looks angry. Damon is standing behind me. "Damon? What is this?" I ask. He looks at me with a worried look on his face. "Julie... You're dangerous without your humanity, you know that. We don't want anyone to get hurt" he says. "Okay, so? What are you going to do, let this guy lock me up?" I say. "That's Jeremy, a hunter. We just want you and our friends to be safe" says Damon. "You're kidding right?" I say, and I look at Jeremy.
Before I can step away, he shoots a lot of vervain bullets in my stomach. As soon as I know, I fall down on the ground, and that's the last thing I remember from that night.
I wake up in a dark, cold room. No food, no drinks, no blood. I can hear someone breathing in front of the door. I stand up and vamp to the door.
"Ah good, you're up" says Damon. "What the hell did you do Damon?!" I say. "We locked you up. You're way too dangerous for us and our friends Julie." he says. "Very well then. Damon, you know that you haven't seen me in 20 years, right? That means that you don't know how string I've become in the pas years." I say. He takes a step back. I look him in the eyes and rip off the door. I walk towards him and give him a kiss on his cheek. Then I snap his neck. He falls down, and I walk upstairs. Everyone there, Caroline, Elena, Stefan, Bonnie and Enzo are sitting on the couch. They obviously don't expect me here. "Hey guys! So tell me, who wants to die first".

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