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He smiles at me, brighter than he did before. The fear seems to disappear for a moment as he looks at me. "How are you feeling, Elijah?" I ask. "I'm okay" he answers, but still quietly. "Good, if there is anything you need, or if you feel alone or need some company, just let me know" I say. He looks me in the eye and nods his head.
When I was back from the prison world and had a moment like this, I really didn't want to be alone. That's why I want to help Elijah out, so that he doesn't feel alone.
When I first saw him, I got this weird feeling. It was like I died for a second, like my whole body reacted to him. I felt my stomach itching and my heart pounding. It felt like he looked right trough me, and I must say, I think he's triggering my humanity. I want to be around him, but I also don't. I don't want to get my humanity switch back on, because of what Kai did to me. I'm afraid that I will be so sad and pissed! I grab his hand and look at him. "Okay? Just let me know" I say. "Thank you" he answers quietly, with a small soft smile. I smile back at him, and let go of his hand. "Do you want to come to the living room to talk to your siblings?" I ask. He nods his head, and comes with me.

We enter the living room and Klaus walks towards us. "Elijah, Juliana, I see that you've met each other!" he says. We both smile at him, and take place on the couch. We all have a drink, but Elijah remains quiet. Suddenly, Freya says; "It's late and it's been a rough day. Let's get some rest", and we all go upstairs. I walk in front of Elijah on the stairs, and when we both get off, I grab his hand. "Are you sure you're okay?" I ask. He looks at me and nods his head. I can see that he's not okay at all. "My room is over here. If you're not feeling good, just come to me okay?" I say. "Thank you" he says quietly. I smile at him and walk to my room. He does the same, and I watch him going into his.
I get undressed, and take a shower. Elijah kind of has me thinking about my emotions again, and I don't want that. After I showered, I drink a bloodbag and get to bed. It's been a long day.
The next morning, I wake up to someone breathing heavy. I open my eyes and I see Elijah standing in my room, with his hands on the wall. I get out of bed and walk towards him. "Elijah? Are you alright?" I ask. No response, he's having another moment. I stand behind him, and run my hands over his back. "I'm here, you're not alone" I say quietly to him. It seems to help him. He looks away from the wall and turns to me with tears in his eyes. He looks very afraid and anxious. I feel so bad for him! "It's okay, I'm here. We're at home. Your home. In my room." I say, to comfort him. He nods his head and looks down. I can see that he's ashamed of himself. I grab his hand and place my hand on his cheek. "Hey, it's alright" I say. He looks at me and a tear falls out of his eye.
I come closer to him, and hug him. I place my arms around his neck, and one hand on the back of his head as I'm running my hands through his hair. "It's okay" I say, quietly. I can feel him getting emotional. He places his head on my shoulder and hugs me back, tightly. I just know that he needed this, even though he doesn't know me, yet.

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