What Happened?

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I wake up in my bed at the Salvatore house. I get up and get out of bed. I'm panicking. What just happened? How did I get here? Damon walks in. "Ah, you're up. How are you feeling?" he asks. He makes me mad. I walk up to him and slap him in the face. "Right, you're mad. That's okay, be mad all you want." he says. "Where is Elijah" I say. "He's gone, Julie." says Damon, and he looks at me. I look back at him. "Gone where" I say. "Home. He went home, because you told him so remember? Liv did a spell on you, to forget about him, but I guess it didn't work yet. Liv?" he says. "Wh... What?" I say, and I tear up. Liv walks into the room, towards me. She places her hands on my head again and does a spell again. "No!" I scream, but before I know it, I black out again.

I wake up in my bed again. I have a huge headache. I wonder what happened. Damon walks into my room. "Julie, are you alright?" he asks. "Yeah, just a headache" I answer, and I smile at him. He smiles back at me and walks towards me. He sits down on my bed and gives me a glass of water. "What do you remember about the last few months?" he asks. "The last few months? Um... I remember breaking up with Kai, and turning it off. I remember going to New Orleans where I helped a guy named Kol get his brother back. After that I came home and I turned it on again. I hung out with Caroline and Bonnie a lot after that. Why?" I ask. "No reason, thank you" he says, smiling. Bonnie walks in. "Hey Bonnie!" I say, but she doesn't look happy. "I'm so not agreeing with you on this" she says to Damon. Damon rolls his eyes. "Hey girl, are you okay?" she says. "Yeah I'm okay! What happened?" I ask. "You blacked out yesterday, and we just wanted to make sure that you remembered everything from the last few months" says Caroline, who just walked in. "Okay, well thanks guys but I'm fine!" I say, and I smile at them. They are being a little misterious, but it could be the worries they had about me blacking out.

I get out of bed, take a shower and dress up. I get downstairs, and see that Damon baked some pancakes. "Great! Thanks Damon!" I say, and I smile at him. They taste great again! He always makes me pancakes on the weekends. He sits down next to me, and we talk a little bit.
"So, Caroline, did you make any plans for your June wedding yet?" I ask. "A little, but Mister Salvatore here isn't as excited as I am!" she says, and we all laugh about it.
Later that day, Caroline, Bonnie and I go shopping. We got some shoes, dresses, shirts and jeans! We had a great time together, like always! I still feel a little bit weird about my black out. It's like something happened, but I don't remember what. It's probably nothing, just a weird feeling.

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