I Need To See You

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It's three months later now. I miss Elijah more and more now. I was doing okay, and I slowly got over his death. Now that I know he's alive, out there somewhere, I can't stop thinking about him. I miss him too much. I get out of bed and take a shower. I put on some clothes, and get downstairs. I see Klaus standing in the kitchen, having breakfast. Emilia is still asleep. "Goodmorning Klaus!" I say. "Goodmorning love! Do you want to get some breakfast?" he asks. "No, thank you, I'll take an apple. I'm going for a walk, to clear my head. Can you watch Emilia again for me?" I ask. He nods his head. "Take your time love, we'll see you later" he says and we smile at each other. I walk out the door, and get to my car. I drive away, to a place that is empty. I get some candles ready, and do a location spell. I just have to see Elijah. It worked, I found him. He's in New York, in a bar. I get back into my car and drive to New York. It's a long drive, but I got there. I search for the bar, and I find it! I walk into the bar, and hear a piano playing. I look that way, and I see him sitting behind the piano. He's playing. I tear up, he's alive! I just keep standing here, watching him. Suddenly, he stands up, and walks towards me. I get nervous and tear up again. As he gets closer to me, he walks past me. I take a deep breath and turn around. I can not believe my eyes. I see him, talking to a woman. A woman, with brown hair and brown eyes. She kisses him on his cheek. I know who this is. This is Hayley Marshall. She liked him since day one, and now that I wasn't here, she took her chance. "No way..." I say silently. "Something wrong?" she asks. I look at her and a tear rolls down my face. "Are you serious right now?" I ask. "About...?" she says. I can't believe this. I know she doesn't like me, but this is very low. "I can't believe this, Hayley" I say. "So, be gone!" she says. I get angry now, and so does she. Elijah turns around and looks at me. I look back at him and another tear falls down. "Don't look at him like that, you evil witch" says Hayley, and she steps towards me. "Oh you wanna do it like that?" I say. "Come at me, b*tch" she says. I dry my tears. "I'll never sink to your level, Hayley. Wanna play like this? Be my guest. You know he'll never like you if he's back. He never liked you, and the real him, will never" I say. "What's going on here?" asks Elijah. "Nothing baby, let's go to your place" she says, and she licks her lips. "OH NO YOU DIDN'T" I say, and I slap her in the face. She tries to grab my troath, but I grab her hand and break it. "Screw you Hayley. Oh and you, don't sleep with her, she has HIV but she won't tell you" I say to Elijah, and I walk out.
When I step out of the bar, I run to my car. I get in and totally break down. This hurts so much. That b*tch took him from me. He's not himself and she knows it! Suddenly, I'm getting pain in my back. It feels like someone is stabbing me, and running the knife across my back. When it stops, I start driving home. I park the car and step inside. I run upstairs, and take off my shirt. I look at my back, and there is a scar across my back, just like Alaric said. Klaus comes in. "Are you o-" he says. "I'm sorry" he says, and he walks out. "No it's okay, come in, you need to see this." I say. He comes back in, and walks towards me. He looks at my scar and then back at me. "Did you go see him?" he asks. I start crying. "Yeah, I did. And I shouldn't have." I say. Klaus places his hand on my cheek and turns my head his way. "What happened?" he asks. "Hayley freaking Marshall happened" I say, and I keep crying. "What did she do?" he asks. "I think she's been dating him... He just walked past me, towards her and she kissed him on the cheek while looking at me! How could she do that?! She really hates me! She asked him to go to his place with her, so I slapped her. She tried to grab my troath so I broke her hand and told Elijah she has HIV" I say. Klaus laughs. "It's not funny!" I say. "Sorry but it kind of is! Listen, I'll take care of her, just get some rest okay?" he says. I nod my head. "Thank you Klaus, for everything" I say. "Anytime, love" he says, and he kisses me on the cheek and walks out of my room. I undress and get into the shower. I get in bed and try to sleep. I can't sleep at all, I'm just thinking about what Elijah is doing with Hayley right now. I can't stand this, so I get out of bed and do a location spell. I can see that he's in an apartment, still in New York. I don't know if he's alone, but I need to go. I get dressed and walk over to Klaus' room. I leave note that says 'I need to go talk to him, please take care of Emilia for now, love Julie'.
I walk to my car and drive to New York again. I hate myself for this. I should probably leave him be with Hayley or whoever he wants to, but I just can't.

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