Our Daughter

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Two weeks later.
Elijah is going on a trip with Klaus. They went away a week ago. Suddenly, I start to feel a lot of pain. "Are you okay?" asks Rebekah. "Yeah... I think I'm going in labor..." I say. She looks at me. "Oh, um, okay, um, let's get you upstairs, okay?" she says. "Yeah, thank you" I say, and we walk upstairs. I get in bed, it hurts so much!
I start screaming in pain. "I'm sorry... I just can't..." I say, and I stay crying. "No no, it's okay, I'm here. You'll be okay" she says, and Kol walks in. "Juliana, what's wrong?" he asks. "She's in labor dumbass" says Rebekah. I laugh, while crying. "Oh, should I call Elijah?" he asks. I nod my head.
After a while of pain and a lot of crying, Kol walks in again. "He doesn't answer his phone..." he says. "Are you sure??" I say, and I kind of panic. "Yes, I'm sorry, I'll try again a few times" he says, and he walks downstairs. I grab my phone from the nightstand, and I call Elijah. He doesn't answer. "Where are you..." I softly say. Rebekah grabs my hand. "I'm so sorry love, but Freya is here, Kol is here and I'm here. You can do this" she says. I keep crying and nod my head. After a few hours of labor, our daughter is born. Elijah didn't show up, and didn't answer his phone.
"She's beautiful" says Rebekah, as she sits down next to me. "Yes. She has his eyes..." I say, and I smile and tear up. Freya walks in. "Hey, congratulations!" she says. "Thank you Freya" I say, and I smile at her. After a while, I dress her up. I don't want to name her yet, because I want Elijah to decide with me. "Do you want to take a shower? I'll watch her for you." asks Rebekah. "Yes, thank you Rebekah, for staying with me and helping me." I say, and I give my daughter to her. "Not a problem, Juliana. Go take a warm shower!" she says, and she smiles. I smile back at her and walk to my bathroom. I undress, and get in the shower. When I get out and dress up, I walk to my bedroom. Rebekah is sitting on my bed with my daughter in her arms. Rebekah is crying. I walk over to her. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask. She looks at me. "I think you should go downstairs for a minute, Juliana." she says. "Why, what happened? Is something wrong?" I ask. "Just go, I'll come with you." she says. I walk out the door, and go downstairs. I see Klaus standing in the living room. "Klaus?" I say, and he turns around. He doesn't look happy at all, as a tear rolls down his face. "What's wrong...? Where is Elijah?" I ask, and I walk towards him. "Elijah isn't coming, Juliana..." he says. I look at him. "What? Why not?!" I say, and I start to tear up. He grabs my hand and steps towards me. "Something happened..." he says. "W... What? What happened?! Is he okay?!" I say, while some tears roll down my face. Klaus wants to talk, but he can't. He starts crying a lot. I step towards him and hug him. He hugs me back tightly. I don't know what's going on, but I know that it's something serious.

"You need to tell her, Nik" says Rebekah. Klaus looks at her and sees the baby in her arms. "She's... She's born..." he says. "A few hours ago, yes..." I say. "That's... Congratulations Juliana..." he says. "Thank you Klaus, but what is going on..." I say. "I... He... I can't do this" he says. "It's okay" I say, and I look at Kol. "Can you please tell me what's going on..." I say. He walks up to me and grabs my hand. "Elijah isn't here, because he can't be..." he says, with tears in his eyes. "But why can't he?" I ask. "He's... He died, Juliana..." he says. I look at him. I can't move, I can't speak and I can barely breath. I keep staring at him. Klaus sits down on the couch, with his hands in his hair. "...what...?" I whisper. "I'm sorry, Juliana..." says Kol. I take a step back, and look at Klaus. A tear rolls down my face, as I see Klaus sitting on the couch, crying in silence. "No..." I say, and I start crying. I fall to the ground and start panicking too. "NO!" I scream. Klaus stands up, walks over to me and sits down next to me. He holds me tight in both of his arms. I'm totally freaking out. I'm crying very loudly, and I'm having a panic attack. How could this happen? What even happened? All these questions pop into my head. I'm not okay, and I don't know if I will ever be.

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