Chapter Fifty Eight: Growing Up

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I'm sat on the floor at my uncle's house with my aunt and Tamaki. My aunt is pulling out the sowing machine and the textiles I chose earlier today.

Nana sits herself in front the of sowing machine, "I'm going to start on it and show you how to sow the rest of the kimono. Come over here and watch." She motions to us to sit next to her.

I peer over her shoulder as I watch her deft hands work the sowing machine and the silk fabric with inhuman expertise. Tamaki whispers, "Damn..."

"Uh could you go a little slower?" I awkwardly ask.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's kinda instinct to just go as fast as I can." She slows down and shows me how and where to sow the seams.

I watch as her hands glide and move the pastel blue fabric; every movement with the sowing machine is purposeful. I'm practically lulled into a daze before she turns to me and offers for me to try. As I sit down to start on the sowing machine, my uncle stumbles in. The smell of alcohol and smoke radiates off of him. He stumbles over to Nana to rest his head on her lap.

She laughs quietly and asks, "God what am I gonna do with you?"

"Love me." He teases. Tamaki makes a disgusted sound and I'm halfway to puking myself. Jerry looks over at us sheepishly, "Heh sorry girls I didn't notice you there. I kinda saw Nana and zoned out. Whatcha you doing over there?"

"Working on my wedding kimono." I answer.

"Hmm, I believe your mom made hers when marrying my brother. I wonder if I still have that picture somewhere." He stands up and staggers over to a drawer and starts looking through photo albums, "Ah yes, here it is." He takes the picture out of the album and walks over to show me. "Your father and mother were a sight on that day. Even though it was a muggy summer day, I have never seen a couple more perfect for one another. In some ways they were inevitable."

"What was it like? Their wedding that is." I ask as I focus on my sowing.

"I believe they had a Shinto wedding, your grandparent's request I believe. I remember your grandpa had to help your old man with the yukata. Your dad was a pretty independent spirit, he didn't really know how to ask for help."

Nana chimes in, "Don't act like you didn't need help with your yukata. If I remember correctly I had to help with that."

"You also helped me out of it." My aunt quickly walks over to whack him over the head for the lewd comment.

My uncle continues, "Anyways, it was summer and even though we were all sweating up a storm, your mother came in like a spring breeze. She immediately refreshed the room with her presence. Her red hair was done in this elaborate bun. Those two cried after seeing each other. I think he was just overwhelmed by her beauty, I almost believed she was glowing myself. But yeah it was an amazing service and I wish they could be here..." he looks away from me, "It's just...your mom and dad should be here watching you grow up. I hate that they were robbed of that. But I'm going to be here in their place from here on out. I know I'm not much..."

I hug him before he could continue, "No, you're perfect Jerry."

He chokes on sobs as he hugs me back. Somehow this made me remember how my parents used to hold me. I know they'll always be with me. I carry their spirits with me, wherever I go.


After I finished sowing my kimono and returned to the bath house, I decide to call Benimaru. I just now realized how much I missed his voice. My heart quickens as I dial the Beni's phone.

He picks up, his voice sounding as raspy and deadpan as usual, "Hello?"

"Hey, I just wanted to hear your voice." I say without thinking.

I mentally facepalm as I hear him chuckle deeply on the other end of the phone, "That's really cute, I'm sorry for laughing. I just didn't expect that. So how's the old geezer doing?"

"He's good, unfortunately the church people are knocking on his door trying to spread the good word of Sol."

"Should I come and beat them up? Send a message to these church assholes?" 

"No, because sending a message for you is burning a town down and my uncle doesn't have great insurance for arson." I roll my eyes at my meathead of a fiancé.

"You're no fun." He teases me over the phone.

"It's called not being a criminal arsonists, maybe try to do that sometime."

"So...are you coming back tomorrow?" He asks suddenly with this tone of longing.

"Oh? Did you miss me?" I decide to tease him.

"Absolutely." He answers without hesitation.

I blush, "How do you just say stuff like that without being embarrassed?!"

"Because I'm an idiot in love, and besides you already said some embarrassing stuff about missing my voice."

I could practically picture his smug grin, I can't help but smile to the phone, "Yeah I guess people are more shameless when they're in love." I answer, thinking back on how my uncle and aunt behave around one another.

"I could almost jump on the next train. I wanna be with you right now..."

"You can hold off for one more day. When I get home, I'm all yours."

"Oh? All mine? Watch what you say if you want to walk after tomorrow."

"Lecher." I call him.

"Beautiful." He answers back.

Our conversation continues quietly well into the night; the light spring breeze and stars hanging above me made me yearn for him more.

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