Chapter Eight: Burns

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After seeing the small infernal cowering in the corner, one thought crosses my mind. He looks like my brother did when he turned infernal.

I walk over to the little boy and crouch down in front of him, "Are you scared? Do you need someone to help you calm down?" The burning child shakes his head, "Would you like the pain to go away? I can take it away." The child hesitates, "I know how scary that sounds, would you feel better if I held your hand during it?" The child nods and reaches out his scorching hand; I silently take it in my own, ignoring the searing pain going through my palm. "Are you scared of being alone?" The boy nods again, "Don't worry, my brother is on the other side. He will keep you company and you can play together. Wouldn't that be nice? Now I'm going to count down from three and then I'll send you over. I'll make it quick." The small infernal boy closes his eyes, his hand still burning in mine. "Three..." I activate my flaming wings. "Two..." I spread my wings out, ready to end the poor boy's suffering. "One." I plunge my flaming wings through him. His eyes close as he turns to ash. The sobs I fought back break forward.

I have to get up and find the others. Tell them I found the infernal.

I choke on my tears as I leave the room and call out desperately, "I found the infernal...he's been put to rest."

I hear Shinmon shout from ahead, "Ok, we're coming back. Wait for us out front."

I leave the building and find the parents waiting outside. I walk over to them with their precious treasure in my hands.

"I found it. Your son's suffering is over." I say as I hand them the envelope.

The mother clutches her son's memento against her chest and sob. Her crying echoes against my chest as I picture the young boy and my brother.

"Clarisse...we're done here. Let's go." Shinmon calls out.

"Alright." I walk over to him and climb on the back of his matoi.

We make it back to the guardhouse and I stop in front of the door. Shinmon and the other turn to me.

Chikage asks, "What's wrong?"

The tears I fought back came pouring out. I fall to my knees and begin sobbing. Shinmon walks over to me and silently picks me up.

Shinmon notices the burn on my hand, "Hinata, Hikage go get Konro and some ice. She burned her hand."

They both answer, "Alright."

He carries me to the backyard and sets me down. I keep crying my eyes out next to Shinmon.

Suddenly I feel his arm pull me into him, "Cry for as long as you need. Don't keep it locked up inside."

I wrap my arms around him and clutch onto his back while sobbing into his shirt. He holds me against him while stroking my back. Why...why a young boy?

"Shinmon I got the stuff you asked for." I hear Konro say.

"Thanks." Shinmon replies.

He pulls away from me and takes my burned hand into his, "Was that the first time you killed an infernal child?"

I wince as he places an ice pack on top of my burns, "I just feel like I failed him. He didn't deserve this kind of end."

He holds my hand steady as he keeps the ice pack on my burns, "Well no one does but...knowing you, you probably made his final moments comfortable and kind." He removes the ice pack for a moment, "And judging by the small handprint burn marks, you held his hand through out it."

"What good is comfort if I have to end the life of a child?" I ask.

"Sadly the most we can give human combustion victims is a quick and painless death. went beyond that. You did what none of us could or would do. You instinctively saw the infernal as a scared child. You made him feel safe in his final moments and I think that's a pretty amazing thing to do for someone. You're important to our team and you did a good job."

"Thank you." I say barely above a whisper.

He places another ice pack on my hand and continues to stare into my eyes. I think I'm in love with him.

"Go on, give her some of the mochi I made." I hear Konro say.

I look to the doorway and see Hikage and Hinata holding two plates of mochi.

"Konro told us we should share the mochi with you since you're upset." Hikage says looking away from me.

"So quit crying lewd nun." Hinata demands.

I smile and take one of the mochi cakes, "Thank you."

Konro, Hinata, Hikage and Benimaru all sat outside with me eating mochi. That night I felt their kindness lift my heavy heart.

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