Chapter Twenty Eight: Protective Mom Friend Mode

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A/N: look at our flame bois. This is the unholy trinity I want.
"The rookie games are an imperialistic construct invented by the man!" Konro rails on me after I have tried once against to argue why I'm going to the rookie games to support Tamaki.

"And who exactly is the 'man' Konro?!" I argue back.

Benimaru is sitting in the background trying to drink himself into a plane of existence where this argument is not taking place.

"That old fart Raffles and the church, duh! We do not emotionally or financially support the church in this household!!"

"I'm not there to support anyone but Tamaki. I'm sorry if being a good friend is supporting the 'man'!!"

Konro stands up and leaves, "Don't talk to me until you're done being a sheeple."

"Benimaru, hand me the sake."

He smirks at me as he pours a glass; very clearly amused with our nonsensical dispute.

"And what are you smiling about Eeyore?" (My newest nickname for him.)

"Oh nothing, just the fifth shouting match this week about you going to the rookie games."

"So glad you're amused." I take the shot of sake quickly.

"Honestly I don't really see the big deal. You're not going there to cheer on the church. You're there for your friend. Besides you're not even going to buy anything from there so it's not like you're supporting the church or the empire in a meaningful way. Konro has always had this strange competition complex with the empire and church."

"I didn't think Konro would hate the church more than you."

"It's not that. He's just usually not this vocal. I guess he's also pissed off that we can't compete since we don't have any spring recruits or it would damage our pride to partake in the games? I don't know he's a strange guy."

"Normally he's chill but I guess he's competitive? Or at the very least prideful of being low key separate from the other fire force companies."

"I wouldn't take it personally. Let me handle getting you out secretly so you can go cheer on Tamaki."

I lean my head on his shoulder, "Thanks."

He gently pets my head, "Anytime."

🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️Operation Rookie Games💨💨💨

On the day of the rookie games Beni and I are prepared to fully bamboozle Konro.

"Clarisse, I need you to run an errand." He calls for me.

I walk to his desk and he places a beaten up and burnt first aid kit. "Beni...what the hell happened to the first aid kit?" I wasn't told that he would be damaging company property!

"Ah yes, that. It got trampled and burnt. Please go fetch another one from company one."

I love this destructive moron...but he does not understand the word restraint.

"Will do." I say as I pick up the remains of our newest first aid kit. How in the hell am I going to explain this one to the fire force company supply guy? I look back at Beni and smile, he still tried to make me happy...even if the excuse is a little extreme. Konro is still buried in work and doesn't seem to be privy on our excuse to get me to the rookie games. Mission complete so it seems.


After I pick up a new first aid kit from the church, I make my way over to where the rookie games are being held. While I'm crossing the street, I think I catch a glimpse of Joker. Don't get into an unnecessary argument. Today I am enjoying myself and supporting Tamaki. I will myself to walk away from beating up Joker. Up the stairs I find myself at an open yard with tables and company numbers set up. I wander around aimlessly until I find company one.

As I search for Tamaki I hear someone yell, "What're you smiling at creep?!"

I rounded the corner to find Tamaki being groped by some boy. My fire instinctively flares up.

I turn the boy around, "Young man what do you think you're doing?"

"It's not what you think!! I swear somehow my hand groped her ass. I don't even underst-"

I uppercut him, "Pervert. Disgusting boy." Then I spit on him and walk over to Tamaki. "Lucky lecher lure?"

"Uh-huh." She pouts.

"Well at least you're not nude this time."

"Don't jinx it Clarisse!"

"Yeah, yeah. Come on you're about to go do the rookie thing."

"Rookie games?" She asks.

"Yeah that traditional thing that every other company does but mine..."

We're walking over together to the building where she'll be taking part in the game. "Don't worry, you're not missing out on much. Let's get melon bread after the game!"

"I'll be cheering you on!" I smile as I watch her run over to the other rookies.

From what I understand, the rookies run in to get the "infernals" inside the building and there's an obstacle course inside. Once the soldier calls for the rookies to start, everyone runs inside except for the pervert. The pervert uses his ignition ability to fly upwards.

" move." I remark to myself. 

Guess I have to wait till someone comes out...


After waiting for what felt like forever, I see black ash dancing in the air near the building. Then the roof explodes; what a strange practice. Just when I thought this is apart of the games, captain of company one springs into action and rushes to save Tamaki as the other rookies free fall.

"What the fuck?! This isn't apart of the games is it?" I turn to another soldier.


I start running towards where the captain and Tamaki were set to land screaming and crying. The minute they land I hug onto Tamaki. "What the hell happened? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine Clarisse. I'm sorry I worried you."

"Never mind that. What happened in there?"

"I don't know...there was this guy with an eye patch and weird formal get up. He attacked the people who were supposed to be the infernals."

Eye can't be. "What was his name? I need to know."


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