Chapter Twenty Seven: Clarisse vs Joker

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"I really hope you're not trying to insult me with that poultry attempt at a cheat."

I sit back down across from him, watching his face contort in confusion and rage. "What do you mean?"

"Oh don't worry I won't tell since I want to destroy you but if you're gonna cheat at least have a better slight of hand."

"You can't prove anything."

"I can but I don't want to end our little game."

"You want to lose that badly."

I laugh, it's my turn and I claim the November deer with a purple ribbon. He realizes what I'm aiming for and falls for my trap; he claims the August boar thinking that I'm moving in on a Inoshikachō play. When really I wanted to divert his attention from the cherry blossom card.

"Koi koi boy." I say smugly after claiming the sakura card.

He scowls and claims the December Chinese phoenix. I place down an August susuki grass card, getting ready to play my full moon card and claim the 20 points I am accumulating. The game continues in a cat and mouse like manner. Every trap I set, he fell. By the end I won by 107 points. The man's face turns to a bright red as he rises; the way he's squaring up, gives me the impression that he wants to fight. Which I shall oblige. Before I can stand up a man with an eyepatch grabs the guy's arm.

"Come now, you lost fair and square. Give the lady her winnings and get out. At least lose with dignity."

He shoves the one eyed man off him and hands me all the cash; then he rushes out of the casino. I look up at the strange eye patch guy. "Well thanks for stopping him, it was going to get messy."

"Well if you're feeling grateful mind joining me for a game of poker?"

"Since you helped me out and I have all this money, sure."

He sits across from me, "I should introduce myself. I'm Joker but my friends call me J."

"Well I'm Clarisse and I just go by Clarisse."

J tells the card dealer that we're changing games and to fetch a new deck. "Let's play a couple rounds of five card draw. We can bet on sake. Loser drinks."

"Interesting, I'm in."

He orders six shots of sake for six rounds. "I assume you know how to play."

I smirk thinking back to my mother and grandparent's card games. "Yeah let's say that card games are my family's specialty."

As we're dealt five card face down, J studies me, "You know you remind me of someone."

My current hand is three heart suites, which are a joker, ten, and eight. The other two cards are six and five of clubs. I exchange two cards, "Oh and who would that be?"

I got a heart suite three card and a two of spades. J exchanges one card. "Well a long time ago when I was meandering about there was a woman with the same wine red hair. She actually looked quite a bit like you, except for the eyes, she had burning orange eyes. Back in the day she was a talented young girl who high rolled many casinos and street gamblers." 

I exchange another card and get a nine of hearts, "Sounds interesting. Whatever happened to this high roller?"

J exchanges another card, "Well from the rumors around Asakusa and Tokyo gambling districts, she came from out of town. Way out of town, from the countryside. I believe it was Hakone."

Hakone? It can't be... "And where is she now?"

He smiles at my curiosity, "Not much is known about this girl other than she gambled for money so she could go to college abroad. One day she just left the gambling scene. Last time I heard about her was ten years ago."

Ten years ago...the fire... "Say her name already and stop dancing around it."

"Emi Sakagami." 

I slam my hand the table and grab this asshole by the collar of his shirt, "And why should I believe some shady mother fucker about my mom?"

"Touchy. I'm just stating what I know from rumors around card dens. Do you really know what really happened ten years ago...or more accurately why it happened?"

I activate my ignition ability and stare him down; people back away from us. "I don't want to play your little game anymore. If I ever see you around again, I will torch you for ever speaking my mother's name." 

He stands up and puts his hand up in surrender, "Fine, fine, this is a touchy subject. But come find me at the card dens when you want the full truth."

Like that he walks out of the casino unharmed. 


"He lost miserably." I state as I take my cut of the winnings in Wakana's yakuza boss friend's office.

"Impressive. He's been a pest for all the casino owners for quite some time since he's been cheating the houses and paying off the dealers with a cut of the earnings. So that's why I and the other casino owners were searching for a special type of player. Someone who is a strong player but plays for the sake of playing and crushing people. Just like her..."

I take a chance, "Emi Sakagami?"

"How did you know?"

"Just rumors." This confirms it...

As I leave the casino I run into Benimaru carrying sake down the dimly lit street. "Clarisse? What're you doing at a casino?"

"Just helping one of Wakana's shady friends."

"Sounds like a headache, wanna drink up on the hill with me?"

I walk beside him, "I'd love that."

Drinking with my lover on top of a hill and looking at the stars twinkling above the cherry blossoms is what I needed to put my thoughts about a mother I didn't truly know to rest for the night.

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