Chapter Twenty Four: Dandelion Sake

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🎆Benimaru's POV🎆

As Clarisse is showering there's a light knock at my door. I pull my pants on and crack it open to see Wakana holding a bag.

"Oh thank god you're clothed. So the book that you were asking about came in, really had to twist that asshole's arm for it." She hands me the plastic bag with the book, the Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury, a book that Clarisse has been longing for among many on her goodreads.

"Look at that you can be useful."

Wakana punches me in the head, "Hey I got free marbled meat. I'm very useful you brat."

"Seriously, thank you."

She sighs then smiles, "Have you finally been learning some manners?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't. You guys better hurry up before your guests arrive." She shuts the door and goes back downstairs.

I hide the book in my sock drawer and flop on my bed. I hear the bathroom door open and soon Clarisse's lovely face comes into view over me. "Shower is ready for you."

I take a strand of her hair and plant a kiss upon it. She kisses my forehead, "Go wash up."

"Alright." I stand up and head to the bathroom to get ready for our New Years dinner.


After taking a quick shower I walk out to see Clarisse hemming and hawing over what to wear. "I'm more than happy to see you still nude but I don't think our guests will feel the same."

I wrap my arms around her from behind, she turns and looks at me, "Is it too formal to wear a winter kimono or should I wear a hanten for what is a casual hot pot?"

"The latter. Kimonos are for shrines and festivals. This is just a hot pot. Besides you look cute in a hanten." She looks cute in anything.

"Fair point, hanten it is." She pulls two hantens from a drawer. Strange how this became 'our' room. Strange how she came into my life, a life I never planned on sharing.

She pulls on a black skull tank top and a pair of baggy black sweatpants; of course with the hanten completing the look. I wear a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants with the hanten she picked out for me. We're matching?? Is this what couples do?

"You look handsome." She kisses my cheek.

"Hey love birds, your guests are here." Konro pops his head in to tell us.

"Tch." I click my tongue in annoyance.

"Well let's go." Clarisse tugs on my hand and leads me downstairs to greet her family. She's less nervous...good.

"Ah there you two are." Her uncle beams. He hugs his niece tightly and as he's about to hug me he pauses. Then he looks between me and Clarisse, and realization sets in. He puts one hand on my shoulder and gives me the thumbs up. So he approves? Guess matching outfits was the way to go.

We all make our way into the recreational room in the guardhouse; there Konro and Wakana have the kotatsu table set up and the hot pots ready to go.

"This is lovely." Her aunt says as she sits down with her baby.

Konro being the mother hen he is rushes over to the woman, "Do you need something to place him in? I think we have a small basket that we can put blankets and pillows into."

"It's quite alright, my husband brought the stroller."

Konro smiles and sits across from Clarisse's aunt and uncle, next to his sister and I. I'm sat between Clarisse and Konro, while Clarisse is of course seated next to her uncle.

Clarisse's uncle pulls out a six pack of beer from the baby stroller and introduces himself, "I'm Jerry Montag, Clarisse's uncle and this is my wife Nana Montag and our son Fumihero. It's a pleasure to meet the fire force that is taking care of my niece."

Konro takes a beer, "I'm Konro Sagamiya."

Wakana yoinks the beer from Konro's hand, "And I'm his sister Wakana Sagamiya."

Jerry hands Konro another beer, "Being an older brother is rough."

Konro drinks down the beer, "Ain't that the truth."

"So how's Hakone, uncle?" Clarisse asks.

"It's been off and on human combustion incidents but nothing our fire force can't handle. I also bought some IPAs from online. Man I've missed American hops. How about you kids?"

"Church is acting squirrelly, nothing new there. Been drinking a ton of bhang. Oh and we got some marbled meat from one of Wakana's science friends."

As meat was being cooked in the hot pot, and alcohol was shared, each person sitting at the table slowly lost their decorum and became utterly and blindly drunk.

"This kotatsu table man...I'm never hic leaving." Jerry slurs while laying on his stomach.

His wife, Nana scolds him, "Jerry you're so embarrassing."

"Y-you'll have to drag me out of this pure comfort." Jerry protest as he hides himself under the blanket. "More sake for me."

I smile drunkenly and pour another glass for both of us. He notices my smile, "Oi Clarisse since when could the gloomy kid smile?"

Clarisse giggles and grabs another beer, "I know riiight. He rarely smiles, it was a shock to me too. Apparently he's a happy drunk. He's so adorable." She leans on me and chugs her beer.

After taking a shot of sake Jerry grabs my hands, "My niece, she's in good hands. I'm happy...since my younger brother passed I've been so scared of her being in the world alone...but you're here with her. Thank you. Also..." he hides under the kotatsu, "this kotatsu is my home now Nana! You'll have to kill me to get out of here."

I lean in and whisper to Clarisse, "Let's go upstairs. I have something to give you."

I lead Clarisse upstairs and have her sit on the bed as I rummage through my drawers to get her gift. I grab the book and hide it behind my back, "Close your eyes."

She closes her eyes and awaits me. I place the book in her hands, "I treasure you above all else." I kiss her forehead.

She opens my eyes and sees the copy of Dandelion Wine, "How did you get a copy? They're so hard to come by since the disaster destroyed most of them." She holds onto me, "I love you."

"I love you too." She brings out this side of me that I learned to burry from my father. I was taught to be a monster, a king of destruction; yet in her arms I'm just a man in love. This is all I could want or ask for.

I don't remember when I fell asleep, but I remember the gentle warmth I felt while being held in her arms.

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