Chapter Sixty Four: Borrowing

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It's been about a week since Tamaki and the crew had come back from the Chinese peninsula. All was peaceful around Asakusa...until our dear old friend Joker decides to show up.

"Um...Joker it's not that I'm unhappy to see you but what're you doing here? Ya know my husband would kick your ass just for looking sketchy..." I eye my weird friend outside.

"Actually, that's who I'm here for. Get your meathead hubby out, I need to borrow him for the night."

I stare at him suspiciously, "What's your angle?"

"Huh? I can't go out on the town with my friend's husband? Besides I didn't get to be at your wedding ceremony."

"I'm not fucking stupid Joker, you better explain what you want with Benimaru before I go grab him."

"Fine. I'll only tell you since you're basically my sister."

"Wait hold up. Since when?"

"Well after smoking for a bit I kinda figured that since your parents were like my pseudo parental figures on the surface, then that technically makes you my pseudo sister. Now anyways, I want to take Benimaru with me to go pay our respects like the respectful citizens of the empire that we are."

I remain silent for a moment as I think on what Beni and the Joker attacking the church could mean for us. Of course he's going to do it and I suppose since it's a surprise attack that means the church wouldn't have time to retaliate against company seven; which gives Asakusa time to either evacuate or prepare for the worst. Yes...this could work.

"Fine. I'll go grab him for you. But..." I jab my finger against his chest, "you better bring that idiot back home in one piece."

"Don't worry, your baby daddy will be home with you before ya know it."

"Guess it's obvious huh?" I ask.


I stand on my tippy toes and pat his head gently, "Ya know, you would make a good god father."

"Like hell I would. I'm an antihero not someone for a kid to look up to."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Let me go grab Beni for you."

"Say Clarisse!" He calls after me, I pause in the doorway, "You really do sound like your mom."

"Then that settles it, you're going to be little Hibachi's god father." I smirk at my fellow kindred spirit.

He huffs, "Weird girl."


I sit next to my husband as he gets ready to leave on his matoi with Joker. I knew he would say yes but I can't help worrying for his dumb ass. It's one thing to trust my own safety to someone as sketchy as Joker but to trust my significant other's...that's a whole other story.

I hand Beni his matoi, "You better come back in one piece. I swear if that Burns mother fucker takes off your arm or something I'm going to raise hell."

He smiles and pats my head, "I know you will. I'll be back before ya know it."

"Beni!" I tug on his sleeve, "Don't trust Joker...and don't show your back to him. He wouldn't do anything to me due to knowing my parents but I don't think he would extend that same courtesy to everyone."

"Wasn't planning on trusting his sketchy ass. Also what's this I hear about making him the godfather to our kid?"

"Oh, he told you that? Well I want to make him our kid's godfather since I think there is good buried deep, very deep, down inside him. It could be a smoldering ember but I think it could grow if he had a family of sorts."

"You're too kind to people and we'll talk about this more when I get home. For now...go to bed and get Konro to make you something light for dinner." He brushes my hair back gently.

"Hurry up king of destruction! He's not going to war Clarisse, he's coming back tonight for Sol sake!" Joker calls out to me.

I take off my sandal and chuck it at Joker's head, "Shut up! You're the one trying to borrow my husband! I can take as long as I damn well please!"

"Definitely have your mom's throwing arm...jeez..." Joker whines rubbing his head.

"I'll see you tonight. Ok?" Benimaru reassures me one last time.

"Yeah, I'll see you then stupid." I kiss his cheek before I go back inside.


Konro and I sit quietly at the table before Konro interrupts the stagnant silence, "Can we really trust Joker with Benimaru?"

"Nope. But I trust Benimaru's ability to fend for himself. He could easily take out Joker and Burns if he had to. And I don't think Joker is going to set up wouldn't benefit Joker's plans to take out the church or find the truth." I answer him as I slurp down the soup's broth.

"You have a point. Besides there's no way to turn that stubborn mule away from a fight."

"No kidding. Especially a possible fight with Burns of all people. Of course he'd want a piece of that action." I stand up and take my plates to the sink, "I'm going to turn in. Worrying about that meathead isn't going to do anyone any good."

"Ok, goodnight Clarisse."

"Goodnight Konro." I call back as I climb the stairs back to Beni's room.

As soon as I open the door I feel someone grab me from behind.

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