Chapter Forty Three: Demon Twins

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After rebuilding the damaged streets, I walk back to the guardhouse and find Benimaru bandaging up Konro.

I sit next to Konro, "Fine. You were both right about Shinra. He's alright."

Benimaru snarks, "Wow did you just admit you're wrong? What a rare and momentous occasion."

"Hey! I can admit I'm wrong!"

Konro laughs a little at our banter, but then turns serious, "You don't have to make these bandages and medicine for me."

I look over at him, "We care about you. Let us help you."

Konro looks over at his medical supplies, "We'll need to order more suppressors from Hajima."

"I can take care of that tomorrow. I know someone who gives me a discount on their medicine."

Benimaru looks off in a daze, almost as though he could see that fiery night from so long ago. "Does it hurt?"

This is personal, I need to get out of the way. I excuse myself with, "I'll go make some tea for us, be right back."

I go to the kitchen, giving them the privacy they need to discuss this sensitive topic. While I'm boiling water for our tea, the phone in the hallway goes off.

I pick up the phone, "Hello, where's the fire?"

"Hey it's Wakana, I'm going to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow and I'm taking up a different job..."

"Oh? Where?"

"I'm going to work at company eight on their science team. Hibana and Akitaru set it up for me since I don't want to do government stuff."

"More time to be around Akitaru~" I tease.

"I-It's not like that. Don't get it twisted!! I just got tired of being a government dog! God I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." I hang up and go prepare the tea.

As I'm walking back to the room where Konro is getting bandages up, three people barge through the door. It's Hinata and Hikage dragging Shinra behind them; I give Shinra a pitying smile and ask, "What's going on with you three?"

Hikage excitedly exclaims, "Lewd nun! This idiot is chasing us around!!"

"Knowing you two, you probably deserve it."

Hinata gasps, "You bitch. We'll go see Waka and Konro then."

"Good luck with that." I say as I walk back into the room where Konro and Benimaru are.

I place the tea down between us as the twins start poking fun at Shinra. Better him than me. I think as I sip my tea.

"This weirdo has been chasing us around, Konro!" Hinata exclaims.

"What?! No I haven't! We were playing hide and seek." Shinra protests. "I won't show you guys my flaming top if you don't knock it off."

"Um flaming top?" Me and Konro ask in unison.

Hikage answers, "The idiot shoots fire from his feet and spins around."

"Uh it's breakdancing and it's cool." Shinra retorts.

Konro sighs, "Sorry that these brats are bugging ya, I'll take them off your hands."

"Nah it's all good, I don't mind watching the kids."

Then I catch Shinra staring at the marks all over his body from Tephrosis. Shinra excuses himself out of discomfort and takes the little assholes with him.

Konro smiles softly, "Those guys from the eighth are really nice. Not like the other stuffy brigades."

Benimaru concedes, "I suppose if you like that sort of thing."

"I like them." I interject.

"Even Shinra?"

"He grew on me."

"Oh really? Brat better not try to cozy up to you."

"Jealous are we?"

"I'll fucking show you jealousy." His eyes raked across my body.

Konro interrupts, "My god, just go upstairs and fuck already!! I can't stand this tension."

"After I finish up with your meds then I will. But...what would you do about Obi's proposition if you were captain?"

Konro sighs deeply, "First of all, you are the captain and nothing is going to change about that. Second, I trust them. I think it would be nice to help out the eighth."

"Yeah, yeah I know. I've heard this all before. I'm just not suited to be above those around me."

When will he realize that leadership is more than ordering others around. It's about inspiring hope and having wit.

Benimaru continues with, "I think I will assist them. Those guys from the eighth are alright. Now lean forward, I can't wrap the bandages like this."

"So are you going to talk to Obi?" I ask as I sip my tea.

"Yeah I will...I'll be civil so don't worry."

Konro and I exchange a look. I ask "Do you even know what 'civil' means?"

Benimaru shoots us a glare, "Shut up. I'll just be a toned down version of myself."

Konro replies, "Wow didn't know there was a toned down version of you. Where has he been all these years?"

Benimaru whacks his head, "Shut up and let me help you."

Suddenly I remembered something, "By the way, Wakana is going to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow and she's accepted a new job." 

"And what job is that?" Konro asks.

"Oh nothing...just working as a scientist for fire force company eight."

Benimaru sighs, "God now I have to be nice to them. Fuck me." He finishes up bandaging Konro up.

"I'm gonna head out and talk to Obi."

"Alright don't do anything stupid." I say.

"Don't kill anyone." Konro adds in.

Konro turns to me, "So she wants to work with her ex? Maybe there's something still going on."

"I never really pictured Wakana as a romantic type." I remark.

"Yeah she normally isn't but Obi is someone special to her. He lasted a pretty long time with her until my accident that is..."

"You approve of him?"

"Yeah. He's proven to be good for her. He was understanding when she left him and he's willing to drop everything for her. In my opinion that's the kind of guy I would want for a brother in law."

I stand up to head back to my room, "She's lucky to have you looking out for her."

"It's what siblings do. But Benimaru is lucky to have you looking out for him. Keep standing by the young master, ok?"

I turn to him before leaving, "I will always stand by Beni, just like anyone else. Maybe even more."

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