Chapter Fifty Five: Wedding Kimono

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Fire force company eight had come back in mostly one piece. Unfortunately, Shinra was stuck at the hospital for severe injuries. It was so bad, I hear that my old mentor had to use her ignition ability on him. I've notice that Tamaki has been quiet lately; almost as though she were silently waiting for Shinra's return on bated breath.

I need to do something to get her mind off of Shinra. Something to help her bounce back.

"What're you thinking about?" Beni's voice snaps me out of my midnight daze.

"Company eight...and Tamaki. I'm worried about them."

"Always worried about everyone else..." he kisses the back of my neck. "Just go talk to her. Also, shouldn't we be getting ready for our wedding?"

I turn over to him and smile, "What were you thinking?"

He gently combs his fingers through my red hair. "Shinto wedding, that is if you don't mind."

"I don't mind. So I would need to get a wedding kimono...which one should I get?"

"There are types?"

"Yeah, there's the uchikake or the shiromuku. I'm kinda leaning towards uchikake since it's more colorful. And...I might try to make the outer kimono like my mom did for her wedding."

"Do you know how to make one?" He asks skeptically.

"Well no, but my aunt made hers for her wedding with Jerry. So I figured I might as well ask her."

"Well good luck with that." He says with mild sarcasm in his voice.

I whack him with a pillow, "And what's that supposed to mean!!? I can sow."

"I'm just saying that a kimono is a whole other beast than sowing patches or stitching up jeans."

I pout at him, "I can at least give it a try."

He pinches my cheek, "Don't pout at me. I'm just warning you before you get frustrated and stubborn about it."

He wraps his arms securely around me, I breathe in his musky scent of ash and sake. "We're really doing this. You sure you don't wanna back out?"

"I asked you to marry me, remember? And no, I don't regret a thing. What about you?"

"It's too late for regrets as far as protecting Asakusa is concerned but this also feels inevitable. I know that sounds dumb or cheesy but I think we would've gone down this road together at some point. I just don't want you to feel like you have to speed everything up to keep me."

"I want you here with me so the pace doesn't really matter."

I kiss the side of his neck as I wrap myself around him. "I feel the same way."


I'm sitting in the kitchen, trying to figure out how to resolve Tamaki's melancholy. Suddenly it came to me; I can get company eight's girls to come with me to Hakone for a weekend trip. We can stay at a hot springs hotel for the weekend, site see, and I can go visit my auntie for the kimono. Killing two bird with one stone. I pick up the phone and call Obi to arrange everything.


I'm waiting at the train station on the girls. I was able to arrange for the girls to get time off to cope with the trauma they faced in the Nether. Some of company seven's surplus knuckleheads are going to help out company eight in the time being.

"Clarisse!" I turn to see Tamaki, Iris, Hibana, Maki and Wakana walking towards me.

I approach them, "So, you guys ready for a little vacay?"

"Yes please. The hot springs are calling for me." Hibana groans while cracking her back.

"Thanks again Clarisse for the invite. I can't wait to have some girl time." Maki smiles.

"Well, let's go girls. Hakone awaits!" Tamaki cheers.


I look over at Tamaki staring out the window in deep thought. She may be trying to act 'ok' for my sake, but I know better.

I whisper to her, "How are you holding up?"

"I-I'm fine. I can't wait to get to the hot springs."

"Tamaki, I know you. We both went through the same sister training. You're clearly bothered."

"Well...Shinra hasn't waken up yet..."

"I heard he was pretty seriously injured. Hell, I heard our old first aid mentor had to use her flames on him. But..." I hold her hand gently in mine, "I think he's going to be ok. Shinra's company eight through and through. If there's one thing I know about company eight, it's that they're very difficult to kill. Also, let's have faith in Kayoko."

"Do you remember the first time we saw her flames?"

I smile, "Yeah, it sure was something. Hibana's flames are pretty but there's something...unique about Kayoko's fire."

"You almost feel like you're experiencing a miracle."

"Exactly! It's just so strange and ethereal, even amongst ignition abilities hers stands out." I grab some snacks from my bag, "But I still want you to try and relax. Leave Shinra in Kayoko's hands. If anyone can heal him, it's her."

She smiles a genuine smile, "You're right." 

The rest of the train ride lightens up with Tamaki seeming to feel reassured about her comrade. But I must admit I do find myself wondering if there's something more there... 

A/N: sorry for the short chapter. I wanted to come back to this story sooner, but I'm also busy af with my last final coming up. Thank you for being patient with me. I'm still writing my other fire force fanfic, but I just wanted to jump back into this one.

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