Chapter Fifty: A New Kind of Training

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"I need you to train me in using my second generation abilities." I tell Benimaru at breakfast.


"Because this pamphlet the doctor gave me says that if I use my third generation powers, I risk cutting off the baby's source of oxygen. And with these crazy cultists running around, I still need to defend myself. I need to weaponize my second generation abilities." 

"Hmm fair point. Fine, but we need to focus on your control first."


Benimaru places two candles in front of me. "This is to test where your second ability skills lie. I want you to increase and decrease the height of the flames on demand. You have eight seconds to do it." He lights both of the candles with his third generation powers, "Increase."

I use my powers to increase the height of both of the flames. The tiny fires bursting into the shapes of dandelions. Benimaru nods, "Good. Now decrease." I let go a little but I still try to keep the candle aflame. Unfortunately, it goes out all together. "I see the can push fire quite easily, but you suck at minimizing that fire into a small spark. Try again and try to keep the fire lit when I tell you to shrink it." 


After hours of doing the same menial task, I began to grow hungry. "Beni I need a five minute break."

"Fine but it better be five minutes. What do you want to eat?"

"Pickles and wasabi." I answer with all the seriousness I could muster.

Beni cocks an eyebrow, "Just pickles and wasabi? Nothing normal?"

"Please. I know it's weird but I want some."

"Fine, but know I'll be judging you the entire time."

"Like I care." I call at him as he leaves to get me my strange snack.

I look down at my stomach...barely a bump and yet I look forward to meeting you. Whoever you are. Then I remembered something important I still need to do: tell Jerry and hope he doesn't show up with a shotgun.

Benimaru walks back in, looking utterly disgusted with what I'm about to eat. "So uh...Beni...when should I tell uncle Jerry about our happy accident?"

"Shit. After the wedding, then he won't have a valid reason to fight me. I'm not scared of him, I'd just hate to hurt the old guy."

"Yeah that would be bad. Poor guy put out his back when he hid under our Kotatsu table. Then we need to marry soon before it becomes obvious that I'm pregnant."

Benimaru blushes and his harsh eyes soften, "Well I have been thinking about that. I want to marry you towards the end of spring...I don't know why. It just feels right to me."

I squeeze his hand gently and press a kiss to his knuckles, "Then we need to get planning."

"We can talk about it while you practice."

"Hard ass."


"I don't get it. What am I doing wrong?" I lay on my back.

"The problem you're having is keeping it small without putting it out completely. Give me a minute." Benimaru looks off in deep contemplation on how to fix my problem. Then he stands over me, "Get up. I'm going to sit behind you this time." I sit up as Benimaru sits right behind me, he takes my arms from behind and guides me. "Clarisse...I want you to imagine a candle that's running out of wax. Picture the flame as it shrinks in its small glass container. It gets stuffy towards the bottom of the glass, and the wick is at its end. But why is it still aflame?"

I breathe in, "I think I can do this."

This time when I shrink the flame on the candles, I try to focus on the amount of oxygen I am allowing to feed it. It's not my oxygen but I can control it.

Beni instructs me again, "Ok now hold it for ten seconds."

I picture a small dying flame burning away the last of the wick and candle. Moderate how much I am manipulating the air around the flame. If I can continue doing this, I will succeed.

"Ok you can let go now." I lean back into his chest.

"I did it." I smile.

"I know. Now..." he gets up and grabs two more candles, "I want you to do it to four candles at once."

"Ugh you hard ass."

"Yeah, yeah get to work."


It's night by the time Benimaru let's me go from my training. Even though I was successful with two candles, I have yet to succeed with controlling four candles at once. I sit outside, drinking in the humid spring weather.

"I see Benimaru has been doing the control exercise the old master used to make him do." Konro says as he sits down next to me.

"Hibachi taught him with the candles?"

"Yeah and even though he'd never tell you this, he sucked at it for a really long time. I remember walking in a few times where I'd find broken candles and wax everywhere. But the difference is, Benimaru is taking the time to try and explain it to you. Hibachi never tried to walk it through with him. He was the type of teacher that would throw a kid into a pool to teach them how to swim. He believed in experience being a teacher."

" I'm glad it's Beni teaching me." I stand up, "Alright. I think I'm going to practice a little more before dinner."

Konro smiles, "Good on ya and good luck."

"Yeah I'm probably gonna need it." I sigh.

After listening to Konro speak about Benimaru's training and how much he's trying to help me out...I can't help but feel my determination be awakened. I need to master this...for Beni and our unborn child.

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