Chapter Twenty Six: Clarisse and Wakana's Gambling Adventure

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On a lovely spring morning, Wakana came to me with a proposition.

"Heard you're good at koi koi."

"Yeah, and?"

"Well I happen to know a gambling hall in Asakusa that we can visit."

"Hmm...interesting but I get the bigger cut."


"But why?"

She smirks, "Why not?"

I study her for a moment, wondering what she has planned in that devious stoner mind of hers. It could be fun though...and seems like a better way to spend my Sunday instead of being stuck inside.

"Fair point. Let's go."


I follow Wakana down the street towards the older gambling district of Asakusa. I look around at all the extravagant patrons walking into the many casinos down the strip.

"Aren't we a little underdressed?" I whisper to Wakana.

"I wouldn't worry about it."

"Hmm I'm increasing my cut to 80% for being suspicious." I smile evilly.

"That's fine, I like seeing assholes get taken down a few pegs."

"You got nothing better to do, huh?"

"Hmmm something like that."

"Well that was super vague, but let's head in."

We walk inside the casino and we are immediately stopped by security. Wakana smirks at the man like he is missing the joke.

"Aw why did you stop us? We're patrons. Just ask your boss."

"What do you know about my boss bitch?"

"I know that he's got some powder sugar under his nose."

"Why you!!" 

I flinch while Wakana is still smirking at the incoming fist. Suddenly a man grabs the bouncer's arm and stops it from its collision course into Wakana's face.

"She's my guest Tasaku. Is this the girl, Wakana?"

What the fuck does that mean? I thought I was just coming over to gamble for fun. Is there some shady deal going on?

"Yeah this is our girl. She says she gets 80% of the winnings."

"That's fine. As long as she can defeat the dirty cheat."

Oh fuck. "Hahaahaha what a joker you are...but seriously we're just here for fun, yeah?"

"You haven't told her? How typical. Still the same as you were in high school. Come on back with us miss...?"

"Clarisse and seeing as I have no choice I will hear you out and decide if I still want in."


An hour later after they explained themselves I find myself in the casino across the street. This time I am wearing a floor length black dress with a golden dragon and phoenix battling one another on my back. My black Louis Vuitton clack against the polished marbled floor, announcing my entrance. Heads turn as I walk towards the card table. A large crowd surrounds the hanafuda table as a game is playing out between the so called koi koi champ of Asakusa and some poor soul.

The 'champ' of Asakusa takes all the bills as his opponent hangs his head in shame, "Better luck next time, eh?"

The defeated man makes the walk of shame out of the casino. The victor continues to gloat, "Will anyone else face me or is that the best we got?"

"How about I give it a go." I announce.

Everyone's head turns toward me; the man at the table studies me. Evaluating how easy it will be to take this rich woman's money.

He gives me a sleazy smile and asks, "How much you wanna bet baby girl?"

I inwardly cringe as I place the giant suite case on the table and open it; yen bills come cascading out. "Oh you know a couple million yen." 

His eyes bulge as the sight of the amount of crisp bills, "Yeah sure. Do you know the basics?"

"Oh don't worry, you don't have to slow down for me. Play as seriously as you would anyone else."

He smirks, "Then come sit down doll."

His ass is grass. Gross motherfucker. I fake smile and sit across from him as the cards are dealt out. I have mediocre hand but nothing I can't make do with. He first claims a January poetry ribbon. He captures it and then discards a March sakura flower card from the deck. I'll let him win this round to see if I can find the cheat. I claim a June peony poetry ribbon card for myself. I have the butterfly card and could make my win come faster but I need to see him cheat. The game plays out rather normally; just us going back and forth between claiming cards and discarding them. Then I see it; he adds one more card to his hand to make it look like he hadn't already gone. Since everyone around us are day drinkers and are already half way to being tipsy; no one picks up or calls out the deception.

I won't call him out now...I want to see what card he believes will save him. Also this is a game where I can win even if he cheats this round. I will send him into a false sense of security. Then I will use all my skills and resources to tear him apart bit by bit when he least expects it. Koi koi is a game where cheating only slightly increases your chances of winning. But winning...that's a different story.

I let him win the first round, his extra card winning him an akatan and sankou; since we're playing with double the points that takes him to 20 points. The dealer gives us fresh cards. With what I have I can aim for a fast 6 point victory by claiming aotan. And if lucks on my side, more than that.

"Well are you going to talk baby or is this going to be a silent match?"

Oh he wants to quicken his demise, fine by me. I will humiliate him by winning the rest of the eleven rounds. "Oh you wanna talk? Very lucky move you had back there."

"I don't need luck."

"Oh but you just might."


I claim the sake card with a purple ribbon chrysanthemum. I lean over the table and lower my voice, "I really hope you're not trying to insult me with that poultry attempt at a cheat."

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