Chapter Sixteen: As the Dawn Breaks

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The infernal alarm sounds as plumes of smoke smother the night sky.

"I have to go..." I stand up without really thinking about it.

"You can't! They have their own fire force company here. It's not our business."

"Well, it's mine. I at least want to go there to give first aid. You can either fly me there or I can run there."

"Ugh fine. I'll fly you there since you're so stubborn. Get on." He grabs his matoi and gets into flying position.

I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist. His hand covers mine.

"This is so the time you argued with me to go fight an infernal with me."

"And that was when you let me join your company. Why did you?"

The matoi sours off the ground, making us airborne. Above the howling winds I can barely hear Benimaru say, "I brought you into our team because I realized you have a purpose, even if it wasn't one I initially agreed with; it was yours. The way you readily run towards a fight and the way you do it with compassion for all the victims..." his hand once again grabs mine, "Maybe I was in love with you since the beginning. Tsch there you go making me say embarrassing shit again."

I smile and rest my head on his back, "That's what I love about you. I love embarrassing you."

"We're here..."

Below us are the billowing flames of an apartment on fire; Hakone's special fire force is already on the scene.

Benimaru speaks up, "Before we land, you are going to promise me that you're only doing first aid. We are not in Asakusa so we do not know how they run things here. It is best that you help on the sidelines. Ok?"

He looks back at me with concern in his eyes. When did he start looking at me like that?

"Fine, I won't go charging into any burning buildings tonight. Let's get down." 

Slowly he lands us on the ground near the growing crowd. A fire force soldier spots us; he's a young boy with sandy blonde hair and freckles splattered across his pale face.

"Excuse me, but were you two just flying on a matoi pole?" The young boy asks.

"Indeed we were, and isn't it polite to introduce yourself before asking questions?" Benimaru retorts.

He really is traditional...

"Ah yes how rude of me. My name is Daichi Tanaka, fire soldier in Hakone. And you are?"

"Shinmon Benimaru and she's Clarisse Montag."

Daichi turns pale, "You mean...Asakusa's King of Destruction Shinmon Benimaru? You're him!!??"

"Yeah. Is that so strange?" He looks a little put out.

"No, no! I mean I just expected someone more imposing, maybe taller...please don't hurt me." Dauchi trembles.

"Pfft." I begin to giggle, "Believe me, boy he is the king of destruction. You have no idea in how many reimbursements I have to sign a day."

"Please do not help. We do not have insurance like Asakusa's fire force."

Benimaru replies, "I'm not here to help you. She is."

He pushes me forward. "Yes I'm here to provide first aid to those who need it while you wait on ambulances."

"Are you a nun?" The nervous boy asks.

"Yes and I want to help. I've had extensive training in medicine and first aid at the church and fire force company."

He looks off, the idea being mulled over in his head. "Fine you can help us. I believe the couple over there have third degree burns, please help them." He hands me a first aid kit from their fire truck.

I bow to the fire soldier, "Thank you. Shinmon" I turn to him, "Please tie back my sleeves." I hand him white ribbons.

He nods and begins to tie the kimono's sleeves back so I can easily work on the victims.

I turn back to Benimaru, "Go get water from that hose. I need to cool the burns."

I run over to the burn victims and open the first aid kit. I pull out a towel as Benimaru rushes over with a pale of water. After wetting the towel I apply it to the young woman's arm. She grimaces as the cold water touches the sensitive area.

"I know it hurts, but please bare it for twenty more minutes."

As I keep her arm steady, Benimaru crouches near me, "Did I take care of your burn wrong?"

I re-soak the towel and apply it again to the burn, "Yeah, but I think I was too out of it to correct you. You don't apply ice to burns, you apply cold or lukewarm water."

He facepalms, "Shit. I'm sorry, is that why you're left with scars?"

I steady the young woman's arm as I answer him, "Yeah but I don't mind." I think of the infernal child's hand as I work on this woman's burns, "In a way it reminds me of why I do what I do. I never want to forget that little boy for as long as I live."

He remains silent as I set to work to wrap the woman's burns in plastics film. I did the same procedure to anyone else who required it. As soon as I finished helping the last burn victim, the ambulance shows up. 

After the ambulance part ways from the scene, an older looking man approaches me. "That was some work you did for everyone. I would like to thank you, sister..."

"Sister Clarisse." I bow to him.

" that you?" He asks in bewilderment.

"Do I know you?" His face did strike some sort of deja vu, but I couldn't quite place it.

"That makes sense, you haven't seen me since you were born. I'm your uncle Jerry. I moved to Japan when I found out what happened to my brother and his family. I looked everywhere for you." Tears appear in his eyes, "God you've grown up. While you mostly take after your mom, you have your father's eyes." 

Old pictures of my dad and his brother flash through my head. Pictures that were destroyed long ago. I look into his eyes and see both my father's and my own eyes; sky blue eyes. As the dawns breaks, I cry in front of my family that isn't dead.

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