Chapter Seven: The Twins

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"There are two new recruits coming in." Konro mentions to me while we were slaving over paperwork.

"Oh? What're they like?" I ask.

"They're twins and very young."

"How young?"

"They're children."

"Is that really a good idea? To put children on the battlefield."

"They're a shockingly strong pair. They soured through the academy."

"I suppose since the academy has approved them, then maybe they're strong. But I still feel weird about making children fight against infernals."

"Clarisse, come over here for a second." I hear Shinmon call after me.

"Sure, what's up?" I ask.

"Would you mind being with me when the new recruits come in...I'm just not good around kids."

He's asking for my help...I suppose it makes sense since I'm a sister of the church. My position usually puts people at ease.

"Sure I'll come with you."

"Then let's go."

I follow Shinmon out of the guardhouse and walk beside him to the train station. I notice a lot of people watch us and whisper.

"Is it just me or are we the talk of the town?" I ask.

He grabs my hand, "Just ignore them, besides we're almost late."

When was the last time someone held my hand? I hope I'm not I heating up?

I feel my back sparking off with fire from my ignite ability.

"Clarisse." His voice pulls me back to the present.

"Um yeah?" I force myself to calm down.

"Another person gifted me sake, I was wondering if you'd drink with me tonight?"

I couldn't help but smile, "Of course."

I look over to him to see his lips tilt upward a little. Not the smile he had while drunk, but the beginning to one. Ahead of us are two identical little girls in kimonos.

"Is that them?" I ask.

"Probably, lets go ask. Oi kids, are you Hikage and Hinata?"

"That was a rude way to ask Shinmon." I turn to my captain.

One of the girls begins to talk to her sister, "Hinata, is that nun holding hands with a captain?"

Hinata answers back, "Hikage, is that what they call an illicit relationship?"

"What?!" I drop Shinmon's hand out of shock.

"Quite forbidden, isn't it sister?" Hikage jeers.

"This is why I don't like dealing with kids. They're fucking scary." Shinmon says.

"Shinmon! They're children, don't cuss." I glare at him.

"Oh my, kids are fucking scary. Aren't we, Hikage?" Hinata asks with a Cheshire Cat grin.

Are...are they mimicking him? Kids are fucking creepy.

"I don't think you kids should be swearing." I say gently.

"We don't want your opinion lewd nun." Hikage says.

These little shits.

"I ain't lewd, ya fucking pipsqueak!" I yell.

"What was that about not cussing in front of children?" Shinmon deadpans and turns to the kids, "Get your stuff, we're gonna head to the guardhouse. And I expect you to show everyone respect, including the lewd nun."

"Not helping, Shinmon!" I jab a finger into his side. 


"So this is Hikage and Hinata, our new recruits. Show them the ropes and don't pick on the little shits just because they're kids." Shinmon announces to his entire fire force company.

Little shits indeed. Where did they pick up such strange behavior? 

The rest of day is quite uneventful; just the usual paperwork. I am grateful that there is no problems but I also found myself waiting till I can drink with Shinmon. I keep finding myself looking forward to intimate moments with him. Snap out of it! He's my boss and we're just friends! Also I am a fucking nun. Maybe I am a lewd nun?!

"Hey are you done with work?" Shinmon leans over my desk.

Fuck too close.

"Yeah I am. Are we gonna eat anything with our sake?" I ask.

"Well duh. Sake is better with grilled squid. Which I also happen to be gifted." 

"Then let's do it. The night is perfect." 

We sit outside with warm sake sat between us. The moon hanging in the sky shining it's delicate glow.

"Some say in America that there's a man living in the moon." I say suddenly, "Or at least that's what they tell children."

Shinmon looks up at the delicate moon in the sky, "My parents told me that there are rabbits on the moon pounding rice to make mochi."

"I like that story better. If there was a lone man on the moon that would be really sad. At least there would enough rabbits on the moon to make mochi."

"You know...Tsukimi is around the corner, would y-"

He is cut off the alarm; another infernal in the dead of night.

"Let's go." I say as I stand up and run towards the equipment room to put on my uniform.

Whenever there is an alarm, I've come to learn that the whole world goes by fast. So fast that you barely have time to think. I once again rode with Shinmon on his matoi. We land at a small house where a couple is holding onto each other outside.

The mother ran to us immediately, "It's our son...he became an infernal..." her eyes are glossy from crying.

I ask the woman, "Is there anything you want me to do inside? Prayer or maybe grab something?"

She grabs my hands, "Please...please grab an envelope that has a picture and a lock of his hair. It's on the ground floor in a room on the right inside of a desk. Please sister...if you can retrieve it, it would mean the world to me."

I look into her eyes, "I will find it. I swear."

Shinmon taps my shoulder, "The others are here let's head inside."

I follow the rest of the group inside the burning house.

I call out to the others, "You guys find the infernal. I'm gonna search the office for the envelope."

Shinmon nods and looks to the twins and Konro, "Let's go."

I blast the burning door off it's hinges and immediately set to work on finding the envelope. After searching all the drawers I found it. I slip the envelope in my dress pocket.

Suddenly I hear crying, I look in corner to find a small infernal crouching.

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