Side Story: Joking and Toking

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Joker POV

The rain is pattering against the window of a shabby hotel I am staying at. Wakana had just rushed out of the room after I told her that an archer was on the move. I notice she left some bud behind. I smirk and decide to role myself a blunt. I begin to hum a song I used to listen to a long time ago with friends who are long passed. That girl...she looks so much like her parents. She gambles like her mom and makes expressions like her dad. It's like seeing them both in the flesh. As I smoke the blunt, my mind takes me back to a simpler time.

🃏11 Years Ago🃏

The local watering hole is crowded as usual. I sit at the counter and order another scotch on the rocks. As I get my drink I overhear a commotion.

"You fucking cheat! You ain't taking our money!"

A woman's defiant voice answers, "Oh? My gun says otherwise old man."

Nothing new, another fight over gambling. I turn to get a good look at the woman. She appears to be in her early thirties or late twenties; wine red hair flows down her shoulders and bright flame orange eyes spark with a challenge. The three other men crowd her and pull out guns of their own. I'm bored, and wanna know the full story.

I walk over to the table and use my flames to burn one of the men's beards, "Three against one, how pathetic."

"This ain't your fight kid." A man barks at me.

"No, but I'm bored so good enough reason to get into a bar fight." I create my flame cards and stare down the men.

The men stiffen and run off. The red head next to me is laughing, "Oh man, thank god you came along. I didn't have any bullets." She shows me the empty clip, "What's your name kid?"


"I'm Emi Montag, a pleasure. How about I buy you a drink?"

"I won't say no."

She orders us a bottle of sake and starts to clean up the mahjong tiles on the table.

"So mahjong was your game huh?" I ask her after downing a shot of sake. 

"Yeah I kicked their asses. Bunch of sore losers." She laughs and takes a shot.

"I only know how to play poker."

"Poker is alright. But my favorite is koi koi. Say your name reminds me of this song my husband listens to...ugh what was it called again? It goes some people call me the space cowboy..."

"I think you mean the Joker by the Steve Miller Band, sweetness." I turn to see a tall middle aged man with curly brown hair and sky blue eyes.

"Harry!" She jumps on the guy, "Oh Harry this guy helped me out with some sore losers."

"Oh he did? Well I'm Harry Montag." He stretches his hand out to me.

"Joker." I shake his hand.

"Oh like the Steve Miller Band song?"

"That's what I said!" Emi exclaims.

We party and drink into the wee hours of the morning.


I see Emi at the same bar the following night. This time we play a couple rounds of poker. She's a strong advisory and handed my ass over to me.

"You're seriously not cheating?!" I glare at her.

"Joker, here's a bit of advice: there is always a way to come back if you plan five steps ahead. When you lose you must keep a cool head to win." 

"That's rich coming from the lady who pulled a gun out on three dudes."

"You're still young kid."

"Hey I'm turning eighteen soon."

"Ha good on ya kid. We outta drink when that happens."

I smile, I've been on the surface for a year. People aren't as scary as the church drilled into us. "What was the first thing you bought after your first gamble?"

"Hmm my first win. That was a while ago. I was about your age I think...I bought a physical copy of the book Fahrenheit 451 to help improve my english."

"Wow...what a nerdy sentiment."

"Well this nerd just kicked your ass so drink up."

I take the shot, "So is Harry working late?"

"Yeah the hospital has been seeing a flux of burn victims. Even in Hakone ya can't escape the flames." Her eyes glaze over, looking haunted.

"I never ask but do you guys have kids?" I say to steer the topic.

"Ah yes and they're just precious. Our little boy Yuma just turned five and our eldest daughter Clarisse is turning eight in the fall." She pulls out her phone to show me pictures, "Ah Yuma is starting to look like his daddy but Clarisse definitely has her father's eyes and smile."

"I get the feeling you two are going to embarrass the crap out of them."

"Well that's what parents do. What about your parents?"

My mind goes back to my time in the cult. I've only known Burns...there was no warmth in the cult that worships the sun. "Don't have any."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know..."

"It's fine, I've never known them so nothing to miss."

"I desperately want to remain alive through my children's years. I wanna help my daughter pick out a wedding dress and see my son play sports like his dad. this world that's wishful thinking. A month ago Harry's parents turned infernal...we don't have the money to make the funeral. Sorry for venting, this infernal bullshit gets to me as a parent. I'm sure your parents wanted to watch you grow up. It's what any parent would want."

"Don't go crying on me, I've known you for a night but you're too tough to go and die. If anyone could survive, it'll be you and Harry."

🀄️🀄️🀄️Present Day🀄️🀄️🀄️

I believed what I told them but then they went and died. Well Emi...your kid has grown to be a very interesting woman. You and Harry would be proud of her strange resolve. Suddenly a familiar song comes on; the Joker by the Steve Miller Band. I hum the tune as I roll another blunt. The next couple of days should be very interesting in Asakusa.

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