Chapter Forty Two: Building Bridges

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The fire alarm interrupts what could easily have been a massacre.

"Why'd you have to jinx us like that Waka?" Konro complains.

"Damn it." Benimaru mutter as he heads out the door. "I better not see company eight here when I get back."

I follow after Benimaru. I stand next to him as we get the details. Benimaru looks to me, "You didn't have to do that..."

"Someone has to. I don't like how high and mighty that brat was acting."

He kisses my cheek, "It's fine but thanks. Let's go."

I smile and nod, "Right!"

Benimaru grabs his matoi and shouts, "Our friend Kontoro from block three has turned infernal!" He starts spinning the matoi, "He loves a good festival, so let's start!"

He throws the matoi in the direction of the infernal with all his might. Each building being taken out signifies a one hundred page report to someone's house insurance company. I die a little inside at the prospect of paper work. Benimaru flies off on his matoi. I chase after him on the rooftops.

"There you are you old fart!" He yells as he launches his attack.

More matois fly in Benimaru's direction as he flies about. He throws them all into the street where Kontoro is. Fuck me. I think as I jump to the streets.

"Look at this Kontoro!! The entire town is in shambles!!"

Yeah no thanks to you King of Destruction. I think to myself as future paperwork stacks high.

"You're too old to be raising this kind of hell and you know it! That being always did enjoy making a scene, right?"

He approaches the infernal, I sit back ready to provide back up should he need it. Mostly just admiring my man showing off his powers. He uses his hand to stab through Kontoro's hear, ending the old man's pain and suffering.

Just above all the noise I hear Benimaru whisper to himself, "Way to hang in there friend." Kontoro places a hand on his shoulder. I walk over to him, "You could've hung back ya know?" He says to me.

I smile, "I know but I like watching you when you're in your element."

He kisses my forehead, "Weird girl."

"Stubborn boy."

With that we head back to the guardhouse. Immediately Benimaru plops down and eats some daifuku. He complains, "It's too sweet."

"You don't have to eat it." I steal a daifuku from the plate.

"Speaking of gifts, why did Obi give you ramen and sake?"

"He called me to thank me for telling him about Wakana. Somehow that led to him buying me an engagement gift and promptly inviting himself over. I couldn't get much word in before he hung up."

"Hate guys who push around their weight." He mutters.

"I don't know how to feel about them. I don't like that Shinra, but I know their heart is in the right place."

"I don't know...that Shinra reminds me of you."

"Very funny." I roll my eyes. 

"You're both spitfires who run into the fray without thinking. Also...Konro said you should look into his files. You're more alike than you realize."

Before I could retort, Konro comes inside, "Should we start his funeral now or later?"

"I'd say now. Grab some booze for everyone and we'll get ready to proceed with his funeral the way he would've wanted."

That's right...he had no next of kin to arrange the funeral...even if Kontoro did have relatives he would've wanted us to celebrate his life. He wasn't one for solemn formalities.

I walk outside and spot Shinra talking to his captain. I approach them, "Why're you still here? Show is over."

Shinra flushed and returns my gaze, "We are going to help with rebuilding."

"This isn't your turf, get out." I say, still pissed off about how he spoke to Benimaru.

"People need help and you expect us to turn away? Why even have my powers if I'm just going to sit out?!"

Suddenly I'm brought back to when I pushed to help Benimaru. I told him something similar. People are in danger and you expect me to do nothing?! Why have my powers and training if I'm going to sit out?!

I laugh a little, "I guess Beni was right about us being a little too similar."

Shinra looking confused replies, "I don't follow but as long as you'll have us we are honored to help Asakusa."

"Come on kid, you can help me with clean up."

He follows behind me to the destroyed area. I turn to him, "Look I'm sorry I've been rough on you. I just can't stand listening to anyone speak about my fiancé that way."

"Fiancé?!" He sputters.

"Yeah but then I remembered I didn't exactly always get along with him either. Actually when we first met I flipped over his desk and called him a smarmy asshole."

"Then why did you stay?"

"Pride...maybe fate." I smile as I sweep up the wreckage. "Can you hand me the garbage bags near ya?"

"Sure." He pauses as he looks at my outstretched hand. "What happened to your hand?"

"The burn marks? Well I held an infernal's hand."

"Why did you do that?" He asks.

I open the garbage bag and begin throwing rubble in it, "Because...he reminded me of when my brother turned infernal. He was small and crying. I just instinctually wanted to comfort this crying boy, so I held his hand as I put an end to his pain."

"You had to put down your brother, didn't you?"

"Yeah I did. The same night my family turned infernal was the night I and my grandfather developed pyrokinetic abilities. I must ask...are you an orphan too?" The way he asked that question with haunting familiarity gave him away.

" mom and brother went up in flames...even now I'm not sure if my brother is really dead."

"How do you mean?"

Shinra pauses his sweeping, "Well there was no body and this weirdo keeps popping up and hinting that my brother is alive."

"You mean Joker?"

"How di-" he starts.

"Because he pops up in my life and he seems to know a lot about my parents. The difference is I know my brother is dead because I killed him."

"It was self defense and he was in pain."

"While that is true that doesn't erased what I did. He's gone and I can never spend another day with any of them. I can't play koi koi with my mom and grandpa. I can't dance to old songs with my dad. I can't explore the forest with my little brother."

"I can't see my mother smile..." he echoes.

"Look I'm sorry I said all that."

"No, it helped me to understand you better Clarisse and I hope it helped you to understand me."

He's an orphan like me...Benimaru, Konro, Wakana, and so many others. I know that pain of not being able to have the ones you love by your side. It aches every so often when you think I wish they were here to see this with me. But...they're not and we're all doing the best we can to keep going.

"Let's start over, I'm Clarisse Montag fire soldier to company seven and fiancé to Shinmon Benimaru." I outstretch my hand for a shake.

He smiles and shakes my hand, "And I'm Shinra Kusakabe, fire soldier to company eight and unfortunately single. It's nice to meet you Clarisse."

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