Chapter Thirty Nine: Exes and Ohs

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After the ambulance took Wakana to the emergency room, I helped Benimaru set up my uncle in one of the bunks at our guardhouse. I went upstairs after my uncle was settled in to check on Konro. I open the door and find him sat up in bed staring blankly out the window at the aurora borealis.

"Konro...I'm sorry I didn't immediately tell you that Wa-" he raises his hand to cut me off.

"Clarisse...I need to apologize for lashing out at you. You were only doing what you thought was right and you saw her wounds as a top priority. For that you have my thanks. But..." he meets my gaze, "I need to ask you for a favor."

I sit down at the edge of his bed, "Anything."

He hands me a slip of paper, "I need you to call captain Hibana. Her and Wakana are close friends in the science department...please tell her about the situation and ask her to have one of her soldiers watch over her while we prepare for whatever my sister was talking about. And if she asks for an exchange of info, give it to her. I need her to be safe...I can't fully protect her in my condition."

I hug Konro, "It's fine. I'll take care of this. You're a good older brother to her and none of this is your fault. Ok?"

Konro stiffens his shoulder and then eases them in the blind of an eye, "Thank you. This is why I approve of you marrying Benimaru."

I stand up from his bed and walk towards the door, "I'll call her tomorrow morning. You need to sleep, goodnight Konro."

"Night Clarisse."


The following morning I call captain Hibana's cell phone. She picks up and answers with the tone of someone who is being inconvenienced, "Hello this is captain of fire force company five, Hibana. Where's the fire?"

"No fire, I was told to inform you that Wakana is in the hospital."

"That fucking idiot." She groans, "I specifically told her not to get involved."

"Involved with the church?" I ask.

" do you know this and more importantly who are you?"

"I'm Clarisse a fire soldier to company seven. I know because she told me and because I too am trying to take down that cursed church. And I know you want the same vengeance...sister Hibana."

"Cheeky aren't we? Well then what now?"

"I will give you my information in exchange for Wakana's protection while she is in the hospital."

"Hmm...tempting. Tell you what Clarisse, we'll meet over brunch and I will see if your information is worth anything. Deal?"

"Sounds fair to me."

"Tomorrow after my captains meeting we can meet up at a coffee shop in my district around ten forty five. By the way...I must ask."


"Has anyone told Akitaru Obi about what happened?"

"Why would I need to tell the captain of company eight?"

"Of course she didn't tell you. How typical." She sighs, "listen, Akitaru is Wakana's ex boyfriend and to be frank he's the only partner of hers I've ever approved of. If I could push them together...I think it would be for her best interest."

"I had no idea..."

"I'll text you his number, call him sometime and tell him. She hasn't been herself in a very long time..."

"I'll take care of it."

"You're a good person Clarisse, see to it no one takes advantage of that."

Before I could respond she hangs up.


"So she told you about Obi...honestly I agree with her." Konro comments between bites. "Obi is the only partner I have ever approved of when it came to her love life."

"Does she normally have bad luck with dating?"

"Oh yeah. My least favorite would have to be that bitch from her high school's kendo club...fuck Benimaru help me out. She was that rude little shit that used to work at the local ramen shop. She stole Wakana's cash to buy this other girl she was screwing a gift. Fuck...what was her name?"

Benimaru thinks deeply about it while sipping sake. Suddenly a light bulb goes off, "Nakamura, the youngest sister. I hated her but I didn't hate her as much as that creepy guy she had a one night stand with. Sato, I think? He was clingy and creepy. He fucking called at all hours night and day."

"Should I call Obi?" I ask Konro as I pour myself more sake.

"Yes, I've seen him care deeply for her. At the very least I think Obi is the only person who can talk any real sense to her. Sorry for turning you into a messenger pigeon."

"If you're really sorry then you should pay for my lunch for two weeks."

"Seriously?!" Konro complains.

"You heard the lady. Unless you want to call up Wakana's ex boyfriend."

"I'll pass on Wakana's confusing love/sex life. Whatever, I'll buy you lunch for two weeks."


I'm lying in bed with Benimaru; he rubs circles along my back. "Beni, Hibana texted me that you should go to the meeting tomorrow."

"Tell her to shove it." He grumbles.

"Come on, she's being nice and looking out for you. Please go to the meeting tomorrow, for me." I press my chest against him and blink my eyes to give the full effect.

He blushes, "Damn it, fine." He nips at my neck and kisses over it. "But you're gonna owe me later." He squeezes my breasts, "Not now since I have to wake up early thanks to a certain someone."

I turn and kiss his cheek, "Thanks babe."


Benimaru is already gone by the time I wake up to get ready and see Hibana. I get ready quickly, putting in the bare minimum since it's a casual coffee date. I hop on the train to district five; my heart is silently thumping as I come close to not only Wakana's protection, but the answers to my questions about a certain infernal incident with a church that happened long ago.

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