Chapter Sixty Seven: Return of Eighth

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A/N: dog Konro is so precious 😭😭😭😍😍😍

I wake up to the smell of a warm breakfast and Beni's deadpan voice, "Are ya gonna sleep in all day? You need to get up and eat."

I open my eyes to see my husband standing over me with a tray of food; slowly sitting up I sleepily ask, "What's all this? It's not even my birthday."

He sits down next to me, "Well Konro had to go do something so I had him make you a quick breakfast since I'm banned from cooking."

"You're a bull in a glass shop, what am I going to do with you?" I tease.

"Well, I also wanted to check on you since I don't get to see you at your desk anymore..." he adverts his gaze.

"Aw does my meathead miss me at work?" I say as I kiss his neck. 

"Yeah I do. I miss having a pretty face to look at. Hell I even miss you slacking off and crying over the damage reports."

I lightly pinch his cheek, "You jerk." In between bites of omurice I ask, "So do you know where Konro went?"

"I don't know, he wouldn't say. You don't think he's in any kind of trouble, do you?"

"Beni...are you still paranoid over the attack that happened? We haven't seen any more of those assassins or white clad on our turf in a while."

"Clarisse...I'm supposed to be the strongest fire soldier and if I'm the strongest...shouldn't I be able to protect everyone?"

I gently caress his cheek; he turns his head to look at me, "Even if you are the strongest, you're still one person. A leader should rely on the people's he's leading. Trust us."

Before he could answer, one of the fire soldiers came rushing in, "Shinra, Konro, and the captain of company five is here for you sir."

"Thank you, tell them I will be down there in a second." He kisses my forehead, "Eat your food, I'll tell you what's going on later."

"Ok and remember what I said." I call after him as he leaves.


"Konro, what the fuck?! You need to tell us stuff like this. God and right after I was done lecturing Beni not to go handle everything on his own. I get that you don't want to involve anyone but you gotta tell at least Beni if you're seeing White Clad skulking around Asakusa. And more rice!" I lecture the lieutenant after I scarfed down my sixth bowl of rice.

"That's rich coming from the woman who tried to runaway from Asakusa with her problems." Benimaru remarks as he gets me another rice bowl with Konro's homemade ramen.

"I know...but we need to stick together." I pout.

Konro speaks up, "Next time I will tell you if I notice this sort of thing. I'm sorry."

"As long as you learned your lesson." I turn my attention to Benimaru, "So I hear Tamaki is coming over tomorrow with the rest of eight's newbies. I say this as her friend but...can you make sure she's practicing where none of your men can see her."

"Um...why?" He asks.

"This is going to sound stupid and weird but bare with me. She has an odd affliction...where she somehow ends up in compromising positions on accident. Sometimes her top fall off or she's completely nude, it just randomly happens. Also I want to be there to cheer her on...and make sure she doesn't burn her clothes off."

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