19: Leonardo da Vinci

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    WHEN THE time rolls around, it's finally time for me to switch out with the next person

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    WHEN THE time rolls around, it's finally time for me to switch out with the next person. I wonder who it is.

    The team's reactions to the sight of me is something I'm definitely not ready for.

    Besides the torn clothes, pale face, blood coating pretty much everywhere, and new scars including the one that reads 'Property', I look somewhat okay.

    I guess.

    "I guess this is the right time to say that I brought a friend." Agent Hallie Kline walks into my line of sight, Natasha Romanoff following behind her closely.

    "Mom?! How'd Papa let you come here? I just called you mom, didn't I? Oh god, that's awkward, I'm sorry. Ignore what I said and my ranting. Agent Kline, can you please open this cell door." I knock on the metal.

    She does as I asked quickly. When the door opens with a loud creak, I jump into her arms happily.

    Natasha catches me easily, holding me very close to her chest.

    I sigh into the embrace. Relief floods through me, like water floods from a broken dam.

    "Who's butt do I need to beat for doing this to you?" She whispers in my ear, a deadly threat in her words.

    "No one's, it's fine. I kind of deserved it. I came in here with an attitude, I'm coming out a different way." Is all I say, pulling from her hold. "You never answered my question."

    "I volunteered, and everyone agreed that it was a good idea. Except for your father, obviously. I'm basically trained for this type of thing. I would have been perfectly fine with me coming here and not you. You just had to be the hero?"

    "I get it from my Uncle Stevie. All of that righteous got passed down, seeing as he's never settling down." She laughs, shoving my shoulder lightly.

    Even though it was lightly, I still had to cover a wince. There may be internal bleeding. Eh, it'll be healed by the morning.

    "Alright, Miss Romanoff, if you will." Agent Hallie interrupts, gesturing to the vacant cell.

    Nat nods, entering the cell after giving me a quick hug.

   "Be good for your father. Look after him while I'm gone."

    "Of course, see you in a bit."

    After Agent Hallie Kline closes the door, she guides me up the steps. After passing the level, that I have now classified as the trauma level, we finally hit the beautiful daylight.

    I take a deep breath of the fresh air.

    "Alright, well, I will see you later. Tell the team I said hey."

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