11: Eat it, Twilight

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    KNOCKING ON the door signals that Agent Hallie Kline is here to pick me up for the Council Meeting

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    KNOCKING ON the door signals that Agent Hallie Kline is here to pick me up for the Council Meeting.

"Hello, Agent Kline. You here for my daughter?" Bucky gets to the door first, answering the beautiful lady.

"Yes sir. Is she ready? It's okay if she's not. I am way more patient than Fal." Her smooth voice replies, kindness seeping through.

"I'm ready, let's go. Bye Papa, I love you." I place a fleeting peck on his cheek, sliding past him and out the door.

    "You ready for this?" She asks me, casually walking beside me, as if she isn't intimidated by the assassin she's beside in the least bit.

    "Not really." I respond truthfully. She quietly laughs, properly holding her hand over her mouth.

    "You look a little young to be doing this dark of a job. How old are you?" She asks me, turning her head to look at me.

    "I just turned seventy yesterday. I look young from this injection HYDRA gave me when I was young. I stopped aging normally at the age of thirteen, and it was just incredibly slowed then on. Being put in cryofreeze doesn't help either." I explain to her. She nods, absentmindedly swaying her arms as she walks.

    "That's pretty cool."

    "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking. I don't really get vampire and witch aging."

    "I am 133 and my husband is 170. He, as a vampire, stopped maturing when he was turned, but I as a witch can control it with a simple spell."

    I watch her, fascinated as she explains. "What about your uncle and father? If I'm not mistaken, they weren't injected with an substance but the SSS."

    I nod, confirming the agent's theory. "You're right, they were not. There is this chemical component where it stops their aging as well. It's all weird and confusing, but to simplify it, us three will not age unless injected otherwise."

    We arrive at the home base, the building swarming with heavily armed guards. Commands are shouted across the field, and I have to resist the urge to listen to the words being spoken.

    "We will be in the conference room. It's on the same floor as the meeting room, I will take you there. In the room, you must stay silent and only answer when asked to. I know I sound bossy and commanding, but I am just trying to protect you. I'm on your team. Whatever it takes." She whispers the phrase that indicates you are with and not against the Avengers.

    Whatever it takes.

    I nod subtly, resuming my stoic form. We proceed into the building, and through security. Climbing flights of stairs, we finally make it up to the floor.

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