5: Recovering

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(A/N sorry it's late, I had a busy day)

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(A/N sorry it's late, I had a busy day)

    THE SOFT furniture underneath me creaks as I wake up from my painful state of unconsciousness.

    My vision clears, as the blobs I see turn into the people I have grown to love quickly.

    My father instantly comes over to my bedside, adjusting the pillow underneath my head that didn't need to be adjusted. Always trying to help me.

"I'm good." I wheeze out, laying my head back down on the pillow. How can I already be out of breath. I groan, letting my eyes rest close.

"Are you feeling any better? Do we need to rotate you? Are you sure you're good?" Peter starts questioning me very quickly.

I wave him off, not having the energy for a verbal response.

"Pete, let's dial down on the questions right now. Why don't we rotate her back on her side, she moved herself when she woke up." Nat advises everyone. They do as asked, moving me on my side.

I scream in pain, trying to conceal it by closing my mouth shut.

The hands on my body freeze, stopping my body from moving any further.

"Push some more morphine." Steve commands whoever stands by the drug cart, I can't really see them.

Exhaustion overcomes me, making me slip into another state of unconsciousness.

    An unknown amount of time passes, as I rest my body. When I wake up once again, only Bucky and Steve are by my bedside. I don't mind the lack of attention, I've never been one to crave it.

    My body is sore, but it feels much better than it was. I'm resting on my stomach, giving my back a break. I don't remember being positioned like this.

I turn my body to a normal laying down position, gaining the attention of the two men.

I smile reassuringly, sitting up. They instantly go against that, trying to push me back to laying down.

"I'm fine guys, what happened?"

"After your whippings, we transferred you to Tony's house. You've been unconscious for around two days. Your wounds have healed mostly, but they still might be a bit sore. Everyone went home, or is in the living room now."

"What house are we at now?"

"We didn't want to wake you or put you in any pain, so we are still at Uncle T's."

I nod, absorbing the information. "Can I get up?" They both are quick to deny the idea though.

"I won't hurt myself, I'll go easy around. You guys can help me. I just want to get out of this room, it's too hospitally."

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