4: Agonizingly Slow

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    WAKING UP to an annoying alarm clock is not how I wanted to start my already terrible day

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WAKING UP to an annoying alarm clock is not how I wanted to start my already terrible day.

    Seven o'clock sharp, I'm out of bed and changing into some clothes for the day.

    Last night was very eventful. With telling the team of my misfortune, and everyone overreacting. Well... I'm saying overreacting because I don't want people to worry. Also the fact that some people who we will not name tried to break down the door to kill the leaders. See what I mean, overreacting.

    I decided, to not bring a further threat to the team, I will be called a different name from here on. At least, until we are safe.

    Athena. That's my new name. It was my mother's.

Tiptoeing down the stairs of our cabin, I peer around the bottom floor. Taking note that I'm the only one up, I make my way to the kitchen.

Setting up for coffee, I breathe in the morning air blowing through the window above the sink.

A body falling down the stairs snaps my attention to the ruckus.

"Shoot! Ow, frick that hurt!" The voice of my father shouts, it echoing through the house. I burst into laughter, bending over and cradling my stomach. He looks over at me from the bottom of the stairs. He quickly stands up from his position from his tumble down the stairs.

"You didn't see that!"

"Pretty sure I did. I think our neighbors heard you, you do know we have those right?" I joke to Bucky. He lightly punches my shoulder, making a cup of ready-to-go coffee. Guess I'm making another cup.

I get to work, shooing my father away from where I am doing my business.

"Are you shooing me? Okay, Miss Bossy!" He hits his butt against mine, giggling like a girl while walking over to the fridge. He takes a sip of his black coffee, opening the freezer.

"We have eggos?" I ask him, pouring the ready cup of coffee into my mug.

"I dang sure hope so, unless I'm cooking them."

My father can't cook. Yeah, I know. Eggos can't be cooked, you can't mess those up. Well, Bucky Barnes can.

"I'll make them, just plug in the toaster." I slightly order him to do as I asked.

He nods, doing the task and pulling the frozen waffles out for them to be placed in the toaster.

"I still don't know how you can mess up eggos!"

"Oh, shut up. You know I can't do anything with food besides eating it."

The morning continues lighthearted, us enjoying each other's company. That is, until the tension started to grow. The time was drawing nearer.

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