35- EXTRA: Vacation

145 5 7

the one where they go to disney

recommendation: mmmMumy

We survived. Covid-19 has officially exited the world, leaving behind a bruised community.

As a celebration of the ending of quarantine, the Avengers decided to take a trip to Disney World, the happiest place on Earth.

"Let's go, get in the car." Uncle Tony piles half of us in a very large van, the other half going into the second van.

I got stuck in the van with Tony, Peter, Thor, Stevie, Nat, Sam, Bucky, T'Challa and Shuri.

"If you don't get your foot out of my face I swear I'm going to karate-chop you in the throat." Nat threatens Uncle Sam, pushing the man dramatically in his seat.

"Not my fault that Barnes doesn't know how to control their body!"

"I didn't do anything!" My father exclaims from his seat in between Steve and Nat.

"I know you didn't! Your daughter on the other hand." Sam rolls his eyes, and I return the gesture.

"Not my fault that you're slow," I snip at him.

"Guys, do we really have to fight? We haven't even left home yet and we're already arguing." T'Challa complains, irritation is his voice and facial expressions.

    No one answers, all of us staying silent.

    "Guys, I think we should all just keep to ourselves and we should make it through this car ride." Stevie backs up T'Challa.

    "Sounds great! Thank you for the suggestion, Captain." Thor booms, his volume increasing in the small car.

    "Yeah, I want the other van." I whisper to Peter.

     "You sure the only reason you want to go to the other van is because it'll be calmer and not because Sebastian is in the other van?" I elbow the spider-boy in the ribs.

     "Shut up."


    "We're here!" Peter shouts excitedly as he throws his hands up in the air. The whole team follows behind the enlivened boy.

    I look at the gate, blue and white spread in a vast. There were so many things to look at. People crowd around the gate, waiting to be let in.

    "I call picking a ride first!" Sam puts a hand up, waving it around like a maniac.

    "Uhm, no. Me and Cass get first picks!" Scotty objectives. I roll my eyes as people start to bicker.

    Natasha moved to my left, wrapping her arm with mine. "Why don't we go do our own thing?"

     I sigh in relief. "I don't think you could've thought of a better idea."

    "Leaving without us?" Steve pipes up, my father by his side.

    "We would never," Nat sarcastically remarks.

    "Yeah, what she said." I agree, pointing my thumb to the red head. She smiles lively at me before starting to walk through the VIP doors, Papa and Uncle Stevie trailing behind us.

    My father comes up to my right, extending his covered left arm to me. It was difficult being out here with all these people. Papa and I were both adjusting, together.

    "Oh, hello." A cosplaying worker dressed as a princess waves her gloved hand at us.

     I smirk happily, nodding my head. "Have a blessed day," I wish.

     With that, we continue forward. After a while of riding rides and playing games, us four decide to sit down at a picnic table to chill.

    A scream shouts through the air, coming from my left. "I'm off," I say instantly.

    Uncle Steve doesn't have time to scold me as he takes off to where the sound came from.

    I sigh, jogging to catch up to him. Once us four get there, we peer down the railing to see what was all the commotion.

     Uncle Sam and Uncle Tony hold each other as they just finished a wild water ride. Sebastian and Peter are in the seat behind them, soaked and shocked.

     I burst into laughter, not able to contain myself. Bastian looks up right as they pass under the bridge we're on. He sticks his tongue out at me.

     I throw a piece of popcorn accurately at his mouth, the buttery goodness getting caught in his throat. He gags, eyes building.

     Peter joins in to laugh with me this time.

     Stevie turns to me, a stern look on his face. He can't hold it look, as he breaks out in a grin only a few seconds later.

     I smile, laughing as the happy day continues.


    I'm startled awake. I look around wildly, tears running down my face.

     "Vera! Vera!" Sebastian holds my head in his hands.

     "Bastian? What happened? Where am I?"

      "You're home," he answers like it was obvious.

     "Where's Steve?" I ask, standing out of bed. I look around me.

      Someone else enters the room, a worried look on his face. "Mom? I'm right here." He answers, confused as well.

     "No, no. Uncle Steve. Steve Rogers."

     Sebastian's face crumbles, eyes softening. "Honey, Rogers is gone. He died a long time ago."

Author's Note: oh uhm, hi. yeah, sorry. I saw an opportunity and took it. my bad.
- J.S.

7. 2. 2021
841 words

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