2: Agent Hendrix

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    SLIDING ON my leather boots, I tie the laces on tight to stay on during a possible combat

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SLIDING ON my leather boots, I tie the laces on tight to stay on during a possible combat.

My father watches me from the doorway, as I get ready for my mission.

"What time you heading over to home base to get your intel?"

"When I am done getting ready."

He sighs, leaning against the wall now. "I'm going to miss you."

"Don't get all sappy on me now," I joke. "I'm gonna miss you too."

I load my backpack on my back, turning to my father with a smile. He looks me in the eyes, seeing the broken soul.

"See you tonight. We're going back to Steve's while we still have the boys here."

I nod, giving him a hug. "I'm stopping by Uncle T's house before I leave."

    I walk out of the house me and my father have been living in for a year. I make my way down the short path that leads to Tony Stark's home.

    I knock on the door softly, it still being early in the morning. Pepper Potts opens the door, greeting me with a smile instantly.

    "Pep, what have I told you about answering the door? Oh, hey VB." Tony turns from protective fiancé to loving uncle.

    "Hey, Uncle Tones. Are Bastian and Petey up yet?"

    "Peter isn't, but Sebastian is. He's been waiting for you, wanting to stay good bye to you before your mission. Good luck on that by the way."

    "Thanks Uncle T." Sebastian comes into my line of sight, immediately brightening at my presence.

    "Vera Lee!" He runs up to me, and hugs me. I wrap my arms around his neck, his going around my waist.

    "Alright, alright. Back up, I want to see a few feet in between you two." Tony instructs us, pushing us away from each other.

"Uncle T." I groan out. "I'm sixteen!"

"And you look ten." He deadpans.

"I do not." I deny. "At least fifteen."

"I'm still working on that anti to your anti-aging serum. It is going a lot slower now that I don't have the help of..." He fades off at the end of his sentence. We know who he is talking about. Bruce Banner.

"Thank you again for that. I should really be going, the leaders are strict."

"Yeah sure, see you tonight." They recall to me, I walk back down the steps and onto the trail. Walking pass Wanda's cabin I see something I surely wanted to never see in a day of life.

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