32- EXTRA: Life Goes On

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the one where she's grown up

The sun in my eyes is blinding in my morning mood, causing me to roll over in angst.

This is not the way I wanted to be woken up in the morning. But it is, every morning. We should really invest in some better curtains.

I open my eyes once again, looking up at my sleeping husband. The hair on his forehead is tossled. His breaths are even and slow as he is still in the land of dreams.

Being the loving wife I am, I wake him up as kindly as I can.

"Hey, Stupid. Good morning, Honey Bunches!" I say loudly, flicking him on the forehead.

His face scrunches up in pain, nose all clenched.

    Sebastian groan irritably. "Am I annoying you?" I ask him innocently.

    He puts on a cheesy smile, letting his eyes slowly flutter open. "When it comes to you? Never."

     It is my turn to groan.

    "You two better not be doing anything in there! It's seven in the morning!" My son calls out from the other side of our bedroom door.

    "It's not like I can get pregnant!" I shout back.

     He stays silent before slowly opening the door. I sigh, knowing what he wants. I lift the covers for him to come join us.

     Yes, I have a son. His name is Steven Edward Barnes-Beaudet and he turned fifteen a couple of weeks ago.

    After Sebastian and I got married, we found out that I couldn't have kids. But I had been expecting it ever since I was given the serum to slow my aging.

    So we adopted.

    When Steve was eight, we had taken him in as our own.

Steven Edward Barnes-Beaudet played by Corey Fogelmanis

    "When did you wake up?" Sebastian questions Steve, rolling over so he is facing us

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    "When did you wake up?" Sebastian questions Steve, rolling over so he is facing us.

    "Around five. I video-chatted G-Dad and Nan. (a/n he's talking ab Bucky and Natasha) They're doing good, just miss all of us."

I move the hair around on the top of his head, trying to style it with my fingers.

"Have you eaten breakfast yet?" I question quietly, massaging his head. He closing his eyes softly, leaning into my motherly touch.

Steve hums in response, the sound sounding like a yes.

"What did you have?" Sebastian asks, popping up his head in interest. "And do we have any left?"

Steve chuckles, opening his eyes and turning towards his father. "Pop tarts, and you bought eight boxes of them so-" Steve is cut off by Bastian covering his mouth quickly.

"8 boxes, eh?" I raise an eyebrow. Getting out of the bed, I stretch loudly. I then move towards the bathroom connected to the closet. I gain a wolf whistle, obviously from my husband.

"You guys are gross," I can hear Steve mutter. By this time I'm already in the closet getting dressed for the day.

"Shut up and go make your mother a coffee, please." Sebastian shooes.

     I hear Steve complain for a second before leaving the room to go downstairs to the kitchen.

     When I come back out of the bathroom, dressed and ready for the day, I'm met with the grand sight of my husband as he stretches out of bed.

     He looks up, smiling brightly. "You always stare," he mutters. I walk closer to him, letting him wrap me in his embrace.

"You're my husband, I'm allowed to stare."

"Sucky rule."

"You'll get over it." I boop him on the nose, turning away from Sebastian to join our son in the kitchen.

I call out for Steve on the steps down, but I gain no response.

That's the first thing off.

"Steve?! Answer me when I call you!" I march into the kitchen, but there's no Steven in sight.

I hear a clattering in the living room, and I head into the room. Not before grabbing a steak knife from the knife block.

The house is silent, before I turn the corner quickly, holding the knife up in defense.

A familiar girly scream sounds through my house, and I lower the knife when I know who is in my home.

"Samuel Wilson, you do not sneak up on an ex-assassin in her own home!"

"Sorry, it was Stevie's idea!" Sam accusingly points a finger at my oh-so-innocent son.

I place my hands on my hips, leaning on my right with the knife gleaming in the lights.

"Don't blame my son for something that was obviously of your doing."

"Thanks, mom." I wink at Steve, glaring at Sammy right after.

Thundering footsteps come from upstairs, the sound traveling all the way down the stairs.

"Oh honey, I forgot to mention. Sam is coming over today." Bastian smiles guiltily, nodding his head towards the dark-skinned man.

I sigh, shaking my head. What am I going to do with this family?

"Kitchen, you are all going to make breakfast." The three walk into the kitchen with their heads hung low.

Snickering at the power I have over them, I follow behind my uncle, my husband, and my son.

Author's Note: okay guys, I'm so sorry for my absence! I've been so enveloped in my other books and school, I have put this book into the back of my mind. I'm going to try and post as much as possible in the next week so I can be over with this book and put my full focus on the other two.
On another note, Steven Edward Barnes-Beaudet? Yay. But sad because Vera can't have children of her own. Anywayssss, I'll see you all on the flip side x
- J.S.

947 words

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