16: Mixed Emotions

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    STEVIE MEETS me in the kitchen, placing a hand on my shoulder

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STEVIE MEETS me in the kitchen, placing a hand on my shoulder.

    "What's on your mind, Doll?"

    "Who are Nick and Rhodes?"

    He sighs, resting his hand on his hip. "Nick Fury was the director of SHIELD before there was no more SHIELD. Rhodes is a long-time buddy of Tony's. He's also War Machine, but you probably don't know him. We don't see them regularly, and we haven't talked in a while."

    I hum in response. "I was wondering how I haven't heard of them. They seem like nice people."

    He laughs loudly. I am taken aback by his outburst, not understanding what is so funny. "No, Fury is definitely not a nice person."

    "He's not that bad. Barnes on the other hand, man that guy gets on my nerves."

    Sam comes in to the kitchen in search of a snack.

    "Hey!" I protest.

    "Not you, the other Barnes!" He throws a chip at me. "It's not that I don't like your dad! It's just, I don't like him."

    Uncle Stevie thumps Sammy on the back of the head, scolding him.

    "Oh, come one. You don't mean that." My father walks into the room, slinging an arm around Uncle Sam's shoulders.

    "No, I do. I really do."

     Sam pauses for a moment, before whispering, "I hate you."

      Of course, my father replies is a whisper. "I'll get over it."

     "Okay guys, stop. Let's head back into the living room and finish up the chats." Uncle Stevie suggests, dragging us all back to where everyone is.

    By the time we get back in there, Carol isn't on the screen, but Doctor Strange and his friend Wong.

    "Oh, hey Strange, Wong." I wave at the both of them.

    "Barnes, it's good to see you up and walking."

     "Well, I try."

     "Okay then, we will talk to you again soon." Nat closes the computer, signaling that we are finally done.

    "Hey Athena, I think your buddy Kase is coming over today." Eddie informs. How in the world does he know that.

    "Alright, we'll see him when we see him."

    I really should be one of those people who can predict the future, because right as I said that a large wolf pops up in the window closest to the woods.

    Sam girly screams, jumping in Bucky's arms. Papa lets go of him, letting Sam drop to the floor. My father snickers, pointing to the man who he just dropped.

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