8: Sweet Seventy

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    YOU KNOW what is not a great way to wake up? A heavy weight on your body and an elbow digging into your ribs

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YOU KNOW what is not a great way to wake up? A heavy weight on your body and an elbow digging into your ribs.

    I groan, pushing the weight off of me. I hear a loud thud and the weight groans itself.

     Slowing opening my eyes, I adjust to all the people surrounding my bed. "You guys are creepy, you all are watching me sleep."

    "Happy birthday!" The team all screams, and a soft smile graces my face. I do take notice of the absence of Peter and Sebastian.

    "Thank you." I fall back on the bed, closing my eyes for a moment longer.

    "You had to push me off?" Sam groans, holding his side as he stands back up.

"Well I'm sorry that you were laying on me, it was uncomfortable." I murmur, turning on my stomach to bury my head in the pillow. "What time is it?"

"Almost seven-thirty. We had to wake up Tony and Sam to say happy birthday." Natasha answers, plopping herself beside me on my bed. I accept her company, letting her wrap an arm around me.

    "Breakfast is ready, Thena. Time to get up and dressed, let's go." My father claps his hands, trying to get me up and moving.

    I snuggle closer to the red head, showing my reluctance.

    "I have to go run an errand, I'll be back soon. Athena, out of bed." My dad sternly says, before leaving the cabin.

"What was that about?" I question, finally getting up from the bed.

"Nothing." They all respond immediately. I look at the suspicious bunch.

"Okay." I drag out. "Everyone out, I need to get dressed." I shoo out people, closing the door lightly behind them.

Dressing into clothes for today, I take my time. My phone dings on the nightstand, notifying me I have a text.

👑My King👑

What is it I hear about it being your birthday?

You heard right, T'Challa

Well happy birthday then Miss Barnes

What have I told you, just call me Vera. Well, Athena now

Why Athena? Do you not like your name?

It's just that my name is kind of forbidden here

Oh, well my deepest sincerities 

Thank you, I gotta go. My family is calling me downstairs. I will talk to you soon, tell your people I said hello

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