The End

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    Wow. I've come this far. We've come this far. I never would have thought that these books would have gotten this much appreciation.

    This is the last book of the ShadowHunter Series so no there will not be a third book, sorry.

To be completely honest with you all, when writing these books, most of the things I did were just flung onto the pages... or screen. Whatever. My point is that at the beginning I had it all planned, but then it all just sort of fit.

It has been amazing to read all of the comments and see the votes. When I open this app, I immediately check to see if I have any notifications from you all.

Now onto more important matters.

On this section you can put all of the extras that you want. By extra I mean: a chapter based on something that does not have to go along the story line. It can be at any times. ex. In hydra as child, bonding with certain people, missions, after epi., or in the skipped year. Just comment when it happens and what you want to happen ——>

On this section you can put all the questions you have. The questions can be to me(the author, or any characters(dead or alive) ——>

I am working on four books for you all. They will not be published until later times. If you want me to let you know when I post them, let me know then I'll let you know😉

    Now a final thank you from me... THANK YOUU! anyways.. the show will go on!

    (I might write a short-story on Sebastian's background.. or I will just write an extra... we'll see.)


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