24: Blood In The Water

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Third Person POV:

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Third Person POV:

    WAR CRIES sound from the battlefield, the Avengers and the Hellhounds colliding in the middle.

Vera Barnes takes her unsheathed sword, slashing it across her opponent, killing the witch almost instantly.

She skillfully turns around and stabs the long weapon straight through the stomach of another.

She quickly works through the Hellhound agents, living up to her assassin reputation.

Bucky Barnes lets loose the bullets from his gun, taking down everyone he possibly can. He keeps a close eyes on his daughter, girlfriend, and dog.

Not letting Natasha get more than ten feet away, he runs after her as a vampire speeds up behind to kill her.

He stops him, taking a wooden stake and stabbing the vampire through the heart.

"Thanks honey." Natasha briefly kisses his cheek after killing the witch she was up against.

"Be more careful," he sternly tells her before moving onto his next victim.

Sam Wilson flies above the scene, sending his Red Wing down below. Pulling the two guns from his waist, he aims for the enemies under him.

Peter Parker swings in front of him, nearly hitting Sam. "Sorry!"

"Watch it, kid!" Sam shouts, flying away from the spider boy.

Peter continues to swing, webbing up all of the bad guys. He was given specific orders to not kill anyone.

He swings passed, Edward Rumlow speeding faster than him. Velocity takes his time going through the men and women of the evil organization.

Where it's three minutes for him, it's three seconds to everyone else.

Picking up Steve Rogers' shield, he hurriedly gives it to the SuperSoldier before continuing on his way.

Slamming his shield on a vampire's knee, Steve brings down his fist to break the leg severely.

Going for the final kill, he snaps the neck of his foe. He holds his finger to his ear-com. "Does anyone spot the remote?"

Vera speaks up, giving important information to her team. "Fallon has it in his pocket. I saw it. We need to get it before he realizes and sends that ship out."

Tony Stark lands next to her, shooting down the surrounding agents with his repulsors. "Anybody have eyes on Fallon?"

"You mean the scary dude dropping our guys like flies?" A voice Vera doesn't recognize, but Tony knows very well.

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