Q & A

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The questions will be answered by who you want them, so if you asked Nat it will be in Nat's pov. Here's the questions you have asked me or the characters:

Question for Nat, Steve, and Bucky:
What are your thoughts on the ship, Stucky?

Nat- Oh my lord, it's amazing! If I wasn't in love with Bucky and vise versa, he would so be after Cap.

Steve- What's stucky? Oh, that's a ship of me and Bucky? Like together? I don't know, I just see him as a really great friend.

Bucky- If I have one more person ask me this, I swear-

@ unanimous
Question for author: Any details you can give about your new book?

Me- ohhh ok, I have to be careful about what I say. Well, it's a Mafia book so I've had to learn my way around the ropes of that life. Uhm, the main characters name is Aryanna Aberra. That's about all I can say without giving too much away, sorry!

Question for author: what's your favorite fruit? Color? Snack?

Me- blueberries bc I'm weird like that, blue(the ironyy), and prob cookies but not the weird kind

@ unanimous
Question for Steve: why did you chose Vera to have the shield?

Steve- I had actually thought about it for awhile now. I knew that if something happened to me that I'd have to pass down my legacy. I saw Vera as my own daughter, and since I didn't have one of my own I saw her as the best choice.

@ unanimous
Question for author: why isn't Maverick mentioned in the epilogue?

Me- Sadly, he had died. When Vera got him he was already around 4 years old. German Shepherds last around 9-10 years. That made him 9 after the five years passed.

Questions I just want to answer due to me just wanting y'all to know the answers to them:

What would have happened if the Avengers left Vera at the HYDRA base? She would have been forced to stay and be brainwashed into becoming a Hellhound.

What made me want to write this series? I had been reading another "Bucky's daughter" story and I was compelled to try out the writing gig.

Question for Vera: what was it like under the "control" of the Hellhounds and HYDRA? Very constructing. Like if I made a movement I would be criticized. But I learned how to follow orders and follow them right.

Question for Sebastian: what was your first impression on Vera? At first I thought "dang, this girl is feisty." I still do.

One more and this is for Fallon: if you could go back and time and change anything, what would it be? To gain my brothers trust. To change my actions and have the loyalty of Hendrix. That was the most hurtful part of all this. Not the death or the war. It was the betrayal of my brother.

Author's Note: anyways, haven't talked to y'all for a sec. I actually kind of maybe sorta forgot to post this because I have been so invested in my new book. Anyways, I will post the extras whenever I feel like it. Talk to y'all soon x
- J.S.


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