28: Somewhere Only We Know

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    THERE'S AN eerie quietness surrounding the Avengers part of the village

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THERE'S AN eerie quietness surrounding the Avengers part of the village.

Now this quietness is a rarity when it comes to the Avengers. It's the cause that breaks hearts of many.

The death of Steven Rogers, or more known as, Captain America.

It's the day after the war and most things have settled. The Agents have gotten the rest of the Hellhounds under their control, and they are now evacuating to a new location and changing their ways.

The army of the Avengers have gone to their homes, leaving only the members of the Avengers to stay at our cabins.

    I sit on the porch swing leading to Uncle Tony's cabin.

I'm out here alone, as everyone is inside conversing about either the war or Uncle Steve.

I don't want to be alone right now.

Sighing heavily, I lean back in the swing, making it rock back and forth a little.

My thoughts lead someplace I don't want them to.

He wanted me to have his shield, well my shield now. What will I be called? Not Captain America. I'm not even going to think about ShadowHunter.

My thoughts are interrupted from their process by the front door opening.

Sam walks out, a grim look on his face. Everyone has that look on their face.

"Mind if I take a seat?" He questions toward me, gesturing at the open spot next to me.

I smile slightly, nodding with a wave of my hand.

"How are you doing?" I ask even though I know by experience that's not the question that needs to be asked.

He takes a breath before answering. When the words are about to come out, he breaks into a fit of sobs.

He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees and head in hands.

I place my hand on his back, not really knowing how to comfort the man.

"I should have done more. I should have helped him. He was my best friend!" He ends in a shout, turning into me for some sort of comfort.

"There was nothing we could do. We thought he won. He did win. It was over. It is over." I spit words of truth, not knowing what else to say.

"No," he whimpers.

I take one good look at him before sighing. "Want me to get someone?"

He shakes his head and I sigh once again.

Adjusting our position, we stay like this for a while.

I don't know how long has passed, but my legs are numb and my bum aches.

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