27: Good vs. Evil

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    THE SOUND of a gun shot hitting metal rings through the air

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    THE SOUND of a gun shot hitting metal rings through the air.

Am I dead?

    Feeling my body up and down for any bullet holes, I surprisingly find none.

    Instead I find a vibranium shield placed directly in front of me.

    Jolly good.

    "Oh brilliant. I survived. I love it when I do that." I snicker to myself before quickly realizing the situation I'm under.

    I almost just died. By the hands of my father, no less.

    Maverick races up to me, licking my ankles.

    "Where have you been, bud? Hiding away? Well, I'm glad you're safe." I rub the dog behind the ears before pushing him behind me to where I stand in the middle of him and Fallon.

    Knocking my father in the head, Uncle Stevie severs Bucky from the mind compulsion.

    His eyes instantly fill with regret and guilt. "Vera, I'm so sorry."

    I nod but don't speak up.

    There's a war to win.

    I back everyone up, letting them form a circle around Fallon and Steve. Leader versus leader. Team versus team. Good versus evil.

    The rest of the Hellhounds are either dead or wounded to the point where they can't get up.

    It's almost over.

    The two leaders start in an intense battle, gruesomely getting a hit on each other.

    "It's just you Fallon. It's over, you're done. Just accept your defeat already!" Captain America exclaims, headbutting the hybrid.

    Fallon recovers quickly, fixing his stance. "Never," he growls.

    They continue in their warring for quite some time. They hit each other an equal amount of times, but none have rendered them defenseless yet.

    Maverick barks in encouragement as we all wait for the victor. We, of course, won't let Fallon win, but this is the leader's fight and we, as the team, have to respect that.

    Bucky stands beside me with Nat. He can't seem to stand still as he keeps fidgeting.

    I understand.

    With a final grunt, Steve slams the side of his shield against Fallon's head, dizzying the man.

    Fallon drops to the ground, seeming too weak to get back up.

    We did it.

    Stevie lowers himself beside the fallen leader, a white oak stake slipping from his waist band.

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