14: Blur

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(A/N wowza, this man is hot)

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(A/N wowza, this man is hot)

    I AIM the gun at the mystery person. The silhouette raises their arms in defense and I pull the trigger, taking the raised arms as a sign of an attack.

    The bullet lodges in their shoulder, only because my intent was to hurt and not kill.

     The gunshot is quiet due to the placed silencer. The person groans and steps into the light.

    "You shot me!" Agent Hendrix exclaims quietly, holding his left shoulder.

    "You could of told me it was you," I whisper-shout back.

    A knock on the door makes both of us freeze.

    "Athena, you good in there? Can we come in?" My father's voice questions from the other side of my bedroom door.

    "Uhm, I am actually not feeling it tonight Papa. I'm just going to go to bed, I'll see you in the morning."

    He takes a moment to respond, but when he does I can detect the sadness. Aw, poor dad. "Oh.. okay. Well, we love you and sleep good."

    "You too." I respond, and wait soundlessly for the two adults to head into papa's bedroom and the door to shut.

     "Why are you in my room in the middle of the night?" I keep my volume small, as I talk to the vampire agent.

     "For someone who is so guarded like yourself, and trained for every heavily lethal situation, you'd think that you would learn how to lock a window."

    I look at him in bewilderment. "My window was locked..."

    "Oh, then I may have broke your window, sorry." His face grimaces, looking over at the window that was indeed broken.

    I sigh, shaking my head. "It's fine, I'll get it fixed, but you still haven't answered my question. Why are you in my room so late, or just in general?"

     "Well you see, I just kind of wanted to make sure you were okay with everything that happened and see if everyone understood the situation."

    "We all understand and I'm fine. But I do have a few questions."

    "Fire away." Agent Hendrix plops back down in the chair, his shoulder healed and the bullet on the ground.

    "When Fallon and the leaders said about the spaceship being sent off to take over multiple planets, how are they planning to do that?"

     "Can you be a bit more specific?"

     "The mechanics and technology, do they have scientists and engineers just laying around?"

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