22: March

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Third Person POV:

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Third Person POV:

AS VERA Barnes awakes from her slumber peacefully, thoughts start to automatically fill her head.

Today is the day of the war between the Hellhounds and the Avengers.

    She starts it off like any other day. Besides the teenage boy she greets when she makes her way into her living room.

    "Hey, why are you up so early?" Vera questions Sebastian, tilting her head only slightly.

    "Couldn't sleep," is his simple answer. He shrugs off the topic and they both enter the kitchen where the two ex-assassins are.

"You two ready for today?" James, or rather, Bucky asks the two teenagers.

They answer the question wearily, not sure of their answers.

"Of course, been waiting for a year."

"I guess, yes sir."

"You guys aren't very convincing for being trained otherwise," Natasha teases. She smirks, nudging them both in a sort of comforting way.

"Well, to be completely honest... I'm just really hungry." Vera laughs, making her usual bowl of cereal.

Bucky feeds Maverick, her dog, breakfast for her.

"How are we doing this?" Sebastian looks toward Vera, asking with his eyes for a cup of coffee.

She nods, turning her attention to her father, waiting for his answer to Seb's question.

"We'll all go to Cap's house until it is time to march to home base. Athena will leave early for her check up and she'll exit with the agents. Everything will go down, blah blah blah." Nat waves her hand around as she explains.

"And the pack of werewolves will come in when?" The male SuperSoldier asks, slurping his leftover milk from his empty bowl of cereal.

"When we are about to engage. Since the whole place is surrounded by woods, they'll just creep out and prepare with us. It'll look bad-booty."

They all laugh at Vera's words.

"Go get ready, then we'll leave for Stevie's." Bucky gestures to the door, meaning for Seb to go and get ready at the house he is staying at.

"Okay, see you all there."

With those words, Sebastian's gone.

"Thena, you need to get ready as well." Bucky nods, pushing her lightly towards the doorway.

Athena sighs, but does as she is told. Carrying herself up the stairs, her dog trots closely behind her.

Vera's POV:

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