9: Secrets Held

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(A/N sorry it's late again, I had company)

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(A/N sorry it's late again, I had company)


    THROWING A stick, I let Maverick fetch it as I talk to Sebastian in the middle of a trail.

    We are in silence, just enjoying each other's company. I sit down on the rough forest ground. Seb joins me, moving close to me to where we are almost touching.

I take a deep breath in, having a moment of peace with myself.

"I like you." Bastian blurts out unexpectedly. I snap my head over to the enhanced teenager. "I like you a lot."

It takes me a moment to fully comprehend what he is telling me. "I've liked you for a while now, I just always thought it was inappropriate considering the times we are in. You don't have to like me back, I just wanted to get it off my chest."

He quickly becomes nervous, and embarrassed by his actions. I comfortingly place my hand on top of his.

"I like you too." I whisper. 'God, when did I get so cheesy?'

His face lights up, smiling wildly. I smirk back. Our small staring contest cuts off when Maverick plops himself in my lap, holding the stick in his mouth.

    A yelp of surprise escapes me, hugging Mav close to me. "Hey buddy, you got the stick? Good boy, yes you are!" I show affection, scratching him gently everyone on him.

    He barks in approval, licking my hand. Sebastian goes to pet him as well, but Maverick snaps at him. Bastian yanks his hand back, not letting the limb get bitten off.

"Maverick, off." I scold the protective canine. "Sorry about him. Did you bring me out here just to confess your undying love for me, or is there a birthday present somewhere under that coat?" I joke.

    "Oh yeah! Here's this." He hands me a velvet-smooth box. I lift the lid, while Bastian pets Maverick. I smile at the pair, before returning my attention to the red box.

    Inside holds a ring. "It's not what it looks like! It's just a symbolic component. You wear it to remind you that you will always have someone to lean back on." He is quick to deny all too-far-gone thoughts.

    The ring is made of two bands. One is a diamond silver, the other is a rich looking gold. It truly is beautiful.

 It truly is beautiful

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